It’s nice when your significant other shares the same interests as you. You get to experience things with different perceptions, sometimes discovering new things about the passions you love. It can cover anything, be it a sport, a video game,
Even those who wish to destroy everything must want something to protect. That idea appears to be the theme of Kei Kamiki’s Magu-chan: God of Destruction. Despite his fiery grand entrance, the tiny bringer of chaos has often been content
For years, I wondered what it was about Deadpool that appealed most to me. Was it his crass sense of humor? Perhaps his fourth-wall-breaking personality? Maybe it was because he gave zero shits about superhero rules and regulations. After reading
Well…that certainly wasn’t something I expected from Chainsaw Man! Now don’t get me wrong. Tatsuki Fujimoto’s creation is — in the technical sense — bat-shit crazy! The plot, the visuals, and even the violence are showcased in such unique fashions, like
At the office, Hibiki Yoshida is as cool as a cucumber. He gets things done, pushes his employees to be their absolute best, and is more punctual than a pin cushion. But what he does outside of the office is
Although things seem like fun on paper, there are some bad consequences to consider. After his run-in with a dangerous vampire in the last volume of Call of the Night, Ko now sees the dangers that come with turning. The
With the main story now over in We Never Learn, Taishi Tsutsui is giving readers the chance to see alternative paths the series could’ve taken. Volume Eighteen had Ogata be the winner, in a presentation that was both sweet and
There are a lot of harem comedies in the manga realm. The ones with plenty of heart and imagination are the series that outshine the bland and uninspired harems. It’s why series like Love Hina, Tenchi Muyo!, and even Monster
When fantasizing about romance, one must realize that the dream will be far from reality. That good looking girl or boy will not be perfect in every way; in fact, they might be the complete opposite of the dreamboat you
A good shonen manga knows how to build up anticipation for a big battle. Whether it’s a showcase of brawn or brains, how the fighters plan to duke it out can be demonstrated with great flare and plenty of smarts.