Home2020 (Page 9)

September 2020

My experience with running can be summed up by my time in Lynn Classical High School’s Cross Country Team: lots of sweat, plenty of heavy breathing, and an abundance of shin splits. Naturally, I don’t look back fondly at my

It’s always a great day for a race. But when you get the citizens of Keiichi Arawi’s CITY involved, that race becomes something that not even the late Blake Edwards could bring to life on the big screen. In its

Have you ever dreamt of being Russell Crowe in Gladiator? The feeling of victory, the taste of blood and sweat, and the chaos of brawling with weapons or fists? Free Lives, who have strong knowledge of bringing muscle-bound movies to

The devil may know his name, but Julian Shah-Tayler's got a way around that! Under the guise of The Singularity, Shah-Tayler transcends with a blend of synthwave, post-rock, and gothic alternative to create a whirlwind of empowering sounds. His latest single

Well it took twelve volumes, but Doc finally grows a spine in Tony Valente’s RADIANT. Despite him playing a big role in Seth, Mélie, and Ocoho’s massive adventure, Doc has always been seen as the coward of the group. But

Vertical Comics’s special edition of Chi’s Sweet Home is massive! There is no way anyone in the demographic that Konami Kanata’s manga is meant for could carry it. Each one of the four volumes (which have three regular-sized ones crammed

Out of all the anime that came out in the 2010s, none delivered something as grand, dark, and whimsical as Kinema Citrus’s Made In Abyss. An adaptation of Akihito Tsukushi’s manga, the story of Riko (Brittany Lauda) and Reg (Luci

Jason Oda knows how to create some interesting premises in video games, especially when it comes to the concept of death. His Continue?9876543210 still stands as one of the most haunting experiences I’ve ever come across in the medium, giving

Wicked Anime may be going on a hiatus once more, but No Borders No Race is still chugging along. And speaking of things that chug along, King Baby Duck takes a look at the Cartoon Network/HBO MAX series Infinity Train,

With Louis leaving Cherryton Academy, the title of Beastar is up for anyone to grab. As the Council of Living Beings meet to discuss who will deserve that title, an air of remembrance lingers in the campus. Tem’s murderer is