Home2020 (Page 14)

July 2020

Despite his popularity and critical acclaim, Oscar Wilde’s final days were filled with shame. As being openly gay was still frowned upon in his years, his love with other males was seen as scandalous and career-shattering. (He even went to

I love a good dogfighting game, especially those based during World War I. The thrill of fighting the Red Baron is something that I’ve held a great appreciation for since I was a little kid. From the Red Baron series

Samurai 8: The Tale of Hachimaru started out on a good note, with Naruto creator Masashi Kishimoto building a strong world and foundation for his new hero. But with the second volume, the main objective comes to light. While it

The soapbox has been put away today for a more fun show, as King Baby Duck shares his thoughts on the films Rocketman and A Whisker Away! Plus a beloved cult cartoon based on a cult hit film celebrates its 20th

There’s a lot riding on Tower of God. The first anime collaboration between Crunchyroll and WebToon, the series is seen as the first step towards a possible new trend: anime based on Korean web comics (or manhwa). With over 484

In tales of fantasy, witches and wizards alike have massive libraries of spells on-hand. One must wonder where these pieces of literature may come from, as one mere magical person couldn’t possibly do it on their own. Mochinchi and Yasuhiro

There are times where one wishes they can take the easy way out when writing an anime review. Just a straight-to-the-point sentence that conveys all of one’s feelings about a certain thing. However, there’s a thing called “journalistic integrity” that

With a twinkle through the speakers, Darwin's new single "Dance Alone" pierces the eardrums with a sad tone and an uplifting melody. The Santa Rosa-based artist delivers a dance floor gem that beckons to the likes of Foster the People and Washed Out. It's

Now that Cyfandir behind them, the characters of RADIANT begin a new chapter in their adventures. With Ocoho joining Seth, MĂ©lie, and Doc on their escapades, the journey to find the elusive Nemeses nest has become just a tad more

Demons-in-training, vampire brothers, space pirates, and some ordinary high school girls are all arriving in full force from Section23 Films this September! Check out the big list below to see what anime fans can expect: THE DEMON GIRL NEXT DOOR Published by: