Home2012 (Page 20)

March 2012

Last year I had written about Kirby's Epic Yarn, and while I enjoyed it for what it was I still felt it wasn't the platformer I was looking to see our little pink ball make his return to grace in. It took away his sucking power (the thing that made Kirby who he is), and instead went for this strange (but unique) take with yarn and string. I had hoped that his next title would be more to the classic styles of Kirby's Dream Land, and now I got what I wanted in Kirby's Return to Dream Land. After playing it through I just wish I could take it back.

Just when you thought it was safe to turn back on your Kinect, Twisted Pixel brings out the devil for a new Gunstringer DLC adventure!

It's that time of year folks! The South By Southwest Festival is coming, and the King is ready to prep you with a playlist featuring artists from Japan, Korea, and the Boston area!

A classic game is making a comeback, and in a big way!

Lock up your jewels, stacks of money, and women. Japan's most famous thief might just be coming back in full force!

At E3 last year Dana White promised that the next UFC video game was going to stand out above any other MMA title ever released. After going toe-to-toe with UFC Undisputed 3, I am happy to report that he has kept his word.

The Bastards get all patriotic on your ass on a brand-new episode. (WARNING: This episode will contain spoilers.)