HomePodcast (Page 45)


From all of us here at B3, we'd like to wish each and all of our fans and followers a very happy holidays! Usually with it being Tuesday, a Podcast should be launching today, but as it's Christmastime we figured

It's Christmastime in King Baby Duck's kingdom, and all he wants is to do a relaxing show and spin some of his favorite holiday tracks. However the Christmas spirit goes straight to Hell when King's long-lost (and initially thought-to-be-dead) grandpa

King Baby Duck is all ready for the holidays, and shares his thoughts on why a vinyl record player would make a wonderful gift this year. Frank Turner comes to Boston, and KBD gives his reasons why Frozen is Disney's

The holiday season is now upon us, and the King has a few gift suggestions for people who are still hunting to find the right one. Excitement is in the air as Monty Python plans a big reunion, and one

After the launch of the PlayStation 4 KBD returns to the music realm, and explains why an Xbox One launch show isn't happening on the B3 site anytime soon. Reviews of Thor: The Dark World and Ender's Game are given,

The PlayStation 4 has arrived on our front door, and King Baby Duck decided to invite a couple friends to share their thoughts on Sony's next-gen system. Paustinj of GamerTag Radio and Eric Kelly of RPGrinders guest-star as they discuss

The Fleming brothers of Wicked Anime and 42Believer grab a seat around the King's roundtable, and share their excitement over the upcoming [adult swim] broadcast of Shinichiro Watanabe's Space Dandy! Post-event reports are on the table as they discuss their

Last week King Baby Duck checked out an Oculus Rift showcase in Cambridge, MA, where developers showed off what they have planned for the next step in virtual reality gaming. First Erik Asmussen from 82 Apps talked about the origins

Red Sox Nation is on its feet after their World Series victory, and the state of Massachusetts couldn't be happier! KBD shares his thoughts on Lou Reed's final album with Metallica, and why it may be years before its true

King Baby Duck throws his two cents in about the recent PAX East registration debacle, and gets excited about what Bruce Campbell had to say about Army of Darkness 2. Fifi Prosper and King Sparkileptic of The Region2 Show drop by