Episode CLXXXVIII: Zombies Love Product Placement!
Before the new B3pisode starts up King Baby Duck shares his thoughts on the controversy regarding the recent Rolling Stone magazine cover, revealing for the first (and possibly only) time how it personally affects him and those in his family. It's a first for B3: a cold opening on a serious topic taken without any sort of humor, sarcasm, and arrogance.
The heat then turns up on the subject of the hot weather in the Boston area, and how KBD and Blueonic tackle the rising temperatures in a classic way. Then a spoiler-filled review of World War Z lands on the table, Pacific Rim rises from the sea, and the Bastards continue to see the downfall of bad movie-based video games in Pacific Rim: The Game and R.I.P.D.: The Game. Finally Blueonic gets his jollies on with the news that a Batman Beyond movie may finally be in the works.
Grab your favorite soft drink if you can. It's Episode 188: Zombies Love Product Placement!