Paustinj from GamerTag Radio guest-stars in an all-new B3pisode, where the winners and losers of this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo are decided! Did the PS4 trounce the Xbox One? Was it smart of Nintendo to not hold a press conference?
It's been a week since Anime Boston came to a conclusion, which means King Baby Duck has just about recovered from the event. This week he invites Scarlet Prettycure from Scarlet Rhapsody and Andrew Fleming from Wicked Anime to share
Recorded at Anime Boston 2013 King Baby Duck, Issues Guy, and JC Riley chat with Raj Ramayya and ORIGA, as they share their musical influences, what drew them to Japan in the first place, and their work in and out
The Boston Bastard Brigade, Issues Program, Anorak Ai, Wicked Anime, Toonami Faithful, and Otaku Momentum take part in a special press conference interview with voice actress Kari Wahlgren. Hear about the mindset differences between acting behind a mic and the
King Baby Duck, Phil the Issues Guy, and J.C. Riley have survived Day One of Anime Boston 2013, but only by a hairline! The horrors of the elevator drama come off the chest of KBD, and the trio chat about
With Blueonic on vacation, King Baby Duck brings in two friends to geek out about two things the Bastards haven't really touched on in awhile: anime and ponies! Anime Jam Session's DJ Ranma Satome and Scarlet Rhapsody's Scarlet Prettycure Skype
The Bastards return out of sight and behind the mic in a new B3pisode, giving thanks to the people who helped make their first live show in a long time a success. Blueonic jumps into the sad news of the
After a short break the Bastards have returned with some extra pizazz!