HomePodcast (Page 22)


Andrew from Wicked Anime is heading to Japan for awhile, so he and JonStar are joining King Baby Duck this week to talk a bit about what he plans to do over there! The Summer 2017 season of anime is

King Baby Duck is overjoyed when one of his favorite video game characters returns for another round, this time invadingĀ various indie game worlds. The Netflix Death Note movie has our host dive into a couple theories about its core differences

King Baby Duck talks about a new friend he made while in Los Angeles, then talks about an aspect about the anime New Game!! that he hopes becomes a reality. The Netflix series Atypical winds up being the straw that

King Baby Duck returns from LA with an all-music episode! However before he dives into the playlist, he shares his experience being under the same roof as a member of the famous studio sessions group The Wrecking! Crew! Plus our

King Baby Duck is currently on a flight to Los Angeles, but that didn't keep him from delivering a new episode this week! (Next week, though, is a different story.) Our host chimes in on the recent Sony/Funimation acquisition, as

King Baby Duck throws in one more anime recommendation for Tsuredure Children, and then dives into his excitement for J.G. Quintel's new TV series Close Enough. Our host pays tribute to the late June Foray, whose voice-acting roles played a big

It's another round of Summer 2017Ā Anime first impressions, as King Baby Duck shares his two cents on four new anime series airing on Crunchyroll and VRV! How's the wi-fi connection inĀ In Another World With My Smartphone? How dumb can one

The Summer 2017 anime season is upon us, and King Baby Duck shares his first impressions on four brand-new titles airing on Crunchyroll & VRV. (He also shares his joy over the new season of New Game!) Does adventure await

Japan's most famous thief gets another season, and King Baby Duck is overjoyed by what it entails! Then a look at the Summer anime series block finds a delicious show known as Restaurant to Another World. Finally the hosts of

After starting the show with a strange comic book recommendation, King Baby Duck tears into the anime fandom who complains about where to stream their favorite shows. The music of Anonymous Noise goes under the microscope, with our host looking at