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With Boston cautiously reopening, King Baby Duck takes a look at the new Scooby-Doo! film, discovering just how faithful it is in its new 3D realm. Listeners pays tribute to rock's greatest heroic, but is the end result diluted? Plus,

A second season with the best goddess around, the world of rugby, and a sweet limited edition of one of the trashiest anime of 2019 arrive this August from Section23 Films! Check out what's to come below! IS IT WRONG TO

Imagine waking up to find yourself trapped in your favorite video game. The thought of interacting with your favorite characters and embarking on fun escapades runs through your mind, giving you a feeling of excitement. But then you look in

With the Fall 2019 anime series ending the decade with a whimper, a lot of attention was given to the Winter 2020 season. Would it be a sign of a decline in anime quality, or would it bring forth new

After talking about his newfound gig, King Baby Duck gets excited over the digital release of the classic anime series City Hunter! However, his joy is short-lived when an iconic Boston venue closes its doors for good. But then, our host

From child scientists to cat caretakers, Jad Saxton has played a smorgasbord of characters throughout her voice acting career. King Baby Duck sits down with the Texas native as she talks about how the voice acting process is going during

WARNING: THIS REVIEW MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS It can be hard to know when to cling to childlike fantasies and to start realizing it’s time to mature. Some folks like to take their fantasies and use them as a defense mechanism, sometimes

After celebrating the return of the Wicked Anime Podcast, King Baby Duck dives into three Spring 2020 anime that are now airing on Funimation. Is Kakushigoto as hilarious as the creator's past works? Does Gal & Dino go down a

An extreme hobbyist & his jaded classmate, a scientist looking for love, and a book club finding out how bodies & emotions change are all what's to come this July from Section23 Films! Look below to see what's on their horizon! TONARI NO SEKI-KUN:

Although convention season has been curbed due to the current health crisis, it hasn't stopped the world of anime from grinding to a halt. At Crunchyroll, a plethora of new series have been unleashed for the community to enjoy, as weekly