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The future is WOW for Anime Boston 2020, as the annual convention announced that the iconic Japanese trip-hop trio m-flo will be attending this year’s festivities! Since 1999, VERBAL, DJ Taku Takahashi, and LISA (who rejoined the trio three years ago after parting

Everything in the realm of No Borders No Race is back to normal, as King Baby Duck looks at the biggest problem plaguing Netflix's anime streams. Sex comedies are turned upside-down and into the realm of fantasy with Interspecies Reviewers,

Music academy battles, enthusiast baseball players, and a classic Kyoto Animation series returns this April from Section23 Films! Check out what's to come below: REVUE STARLIGHT Published by: Sentai Filmworks Distributed by: Section23 Films Run Time: 300 min. Street Date: 4/7/2020 Format:

Sex humor is normally some of the easiest comedy to do. But to be considered the best, one must be smart with it. Big Mouth is a fine example of this, as it tackles the things that sex education is

The Boston Bastard Brigade, Pop Culture Bento, The Cartoon Cipher, AsianCrush, Black Girls Anime, Anime Amino, and The Ramen Pack Media sit down for a candid and informative chat with voice actor Todd Haberkorn! Hear about his thoughts on Asian

This year's Anime Boston will be rocking hard for sure, as the convention today announced that Japanese band GIRLFRIEND will be coming to the annual event! GIRLFRIEND is a Japanese rock band made up of members MIREI on vocal & drums,

Kunihiko Ikuhara is a storytelling madman. On the surface, his anime works like Yurikuma Arashi and Sarazanmai are zany nonsensical tales filled with weird imagery and sexual undertones. But then something comes along, pulls the rug right under the viewers,

Children’s television can be a fickle thing in Japan. Most of the time, things that would be considered for all ages over there may be more appropriate for teens and young adults in the rest of the world. Shows like

The Boston Bastard Brigade, GamePress, MyAnimeList, All-Comic.com, The Organization of Anti-Social Geniuses, and Anime Herald sit down with renowned illustrator VOFAN at Anime NYC 2019! The man behind the Monogatari art style talks about the inspirations behind the characters, his love

The hokage is coming to Anime Boston 2020?! Well you better believe it, as the annual convention has announced Maile Flanagan as their third North American guest! Maile Flanagan has voiced Naruto Uzumaki in the hit anime series Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, and Boruto: