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King Baby Duck welcomes back an old friend to the Boston Bastard Brigade realm: Bruins Fangirl Nenya! Of course, most people now know her by her real name & title: Anime Boston Chairwoman Kristen Leiding! KBD sits down and talks

To Love-Ru first made waves in Japan back in 2008, with its wanton fan-service, cute-looking characters, and okay plot. It took a couple years to make a mark in the Western anime scene, becoming a cult classic amongst fans of

We all have known that one annoying guy who tries to drag us into their personal world. Sometimes they wind up being misunderstood; other times, you hope they get hit by a bus and never come near you again. It’s

A very strange love triangle, a trip to Okinawa, and one of the finest slice-of-life dramedies of the last ten years are coming to our shores from Section23 Films! Check out below to see what's on the horizon! TAMAKO MARKET LOVE STORY COLLECTION Published by:

Anime Boston, the largest anime convention in New England, has unfortunately announced that it will be cancelling its 2020 convention at the Hynes Convention Center, Boston, Mass, on April 10 through 12, 2020. On March 13, 2020 Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker

The Boston Bastard Brigade, AsianCrush, GamePress, Toonami Faithful, DubTalk, Gifted Sounds Network, Too Stupid Gamerz, GeekLyfe, Anime Lately, and NerdBlast all sit down to chat with voice actor Max Mittelman at this past year's Anime NYC! Hear about his work on Demon

Everyone’s favorite smol dragon is heading to New England, as Anime Boston 2020 has announced voice actress Jād Saxton as its latest guest! Jād Saxton is a voice actor and Funimation ADR Director with over 250 roles in anime and video games.

Humanity can be a curious gaggle, and Kino’s Journey: The Beautiful World has demonstrated the many faces and emotions people have. That may sound like some reworking of a bullshit statement straight from the mouth of a two-bit guru, but

UPDATE (MARCH 6, 2020): The 2020 SXSW Festival has been cancelled due to concerns over the ongoing coronavirus. The annual South By Southwest Festival is just around the corner, and -- per tradition -- King Baby Duck has the ultimate guide to

If you were to ask me why I love anime, I could easily give you a multitude of answers. The unique character designs, the bombastic soundtrack, the emotional voice acting, and the deep stories are things you can only find