At Anime Boston last month there was one series that I kept running into at just about every corner of the convention: Attack On Titan. Whenever conversing with cosplayers and regular con-goers this series was uttered from their lips with
Paustinj from GamerTag Radio guest-stars in an all-new B3pisode, where the winners and losers of this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo are decided! Did the PS4 trounce the Xbox One? Was it smart of Nintendo to not hold a press conference?
The teaming up of HARMONIX and Disney sounds like quite the natural pairing, which is why I was surprised to see it take so long for them to work together. Revealed at E3 Fantasia: Music Evolved is not just the
The Mario Kart series may never had a broken moment in its lustrous lifecycle, but they always manage to add more to the series and make it better than before. For their upcoming Mario Kart 8 on the Wii U
When word got out that Nintendo got the exclusive license for Platinum Games' Bayonetta 2 the Internet roared with a mix of love and jealous hate for the Big N. At E3 this year gamers were given a taste of
When we last saw our anti-heroes in Saints Row The Third the area of Steelport was brought back under their control. Since that time the Boss has taken over the entire country, becoming the American President with a 20% approval
In a special edition of The LowDownLoad King Baby Duck and Blueonic go hands-on with the recent demos for the Xbox Live Arcade titles Call of Juarez: Gunslinger and State of Decay. Plus KBD shares a couple things he hopes
Ron Gilbert has given us enough joyful games to last us a lifetime, whether it's the adventures of Guybrush Threepwood in the Monkey Island series or taking three unique individuals on a trip down to The Cave. This month he
You have to give Combo Crew credit for one thing: it's different from most of the iOS titles I've come across. Sure there have been fighting titles ported to phones and tablets, but I haven't come across an interactive fighting
You are locked in a sleep chamber. The computer has no data on you or why you're in there, but it won't let you out. What's more, you have amnesia, and have no idea how to function properly. This is the