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I had some misgivings when I first heard about Hitomi Takano's My Boy. Reading descriptions for it, it appeared to go down a route that myself and (hopefully) the majority of people with common sense would frown upon. Thankfully, after

It's a team-up of two of the most famous names in both the anime and manga realm: the iconic Go Nagai (Devilman, Mazinger Z) and the beloved Hideaki Anno (Evangelion, Shin Godzilla). Some may recall that back in 2004, Anno

While Stephen King can craft horror with his words, Junji Ito does so with images that haunt even the safest spaces of our minds. Since the late 1980s, Ito has delivered unsettling chills to readers all across the globe, to

Every time a new volume of Flying Witch is released, it feels like you're being welcomed back into the most magical, gentle world imaginable. Chihiro Ishizuka's series has a knack of bringing together a mystical essence with a back country

I'll be blunt: all I really need to say is that the creator of nichijou is back with a new series, and you readers will more than likely rush out and grab it. After all, Keiichi Arawi has been considered

Since 1985, the Saint Seiya series has held onto its popularity in Japan thanks to the plethora of anime adaptations, spin-offs, light novels, musicals, and video games released in its stead. Although the original series had a quick run on

Rarely has a manga left me feeling conflicted about the events being unfolded quite like The Flowers of Evil. On one hand is the tale of adolescence revolting against the boring norm, but on the other

The end of one's adolescence can be a rather tricky path to cross. In some cases, it's an innocent romp that awakens a person’s adulthood, discovering new things about themself and those around them. However the pathway to maturity can

Common sense has no place of residence in Arakawa Under the Bridge. Hikaru Nakamura's manga series is ripe with crazy characters surrounding the level-headed Kou Ichinomya, who has recently been dubbed Recruit by its kappa-dressing mayor. However, the protagonist who

While She and Her Cat first opened the anime world to his work, it wasn't until Makoto Shinkai's 2002 short Voices of a Distant Star came out where even the bigwigs of the industry started to take notice. Made mostly