Recorded once upon a midnight dreary, while Bastards pondered weak and weary...
Nyuk nyuk nyuk! BOOP!
After spending last weekend at two conventions, the Bastards reconvene for an all-new episode.
We the Bastards were able to take the trip down to the very lovely Holiday Inn Events Room in Mansfield, MA for the AFO Night of Champions.
With PAX East and Anime Boston a couple days away the Bastards get their final gear together before embarking on their amazing journeys.
The Bastards would like to warn you of massive spoilers in this week's episodes, but they just love ruining everything for you!
I am loving SSX, plain and simple. They upped the awesomeness of this game by adding more characters, multiple locations from all around the world, and competing in different modes such as tricking, racing and the new survival.
St. Patrick's Day has come and gone, but the Bastards are here to stay in a brand-new episode!
Much blue blood was spilt creating this episode.
Teg returns. Hijinks ensue.