Home2023 (Page 26)

January 2023

Turnip Boy is no hero. Hell, you’ve already seen the title of this game: Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion. Despite his cute appearance, this living vegetable has done irreparable damage to his finances. So when Mayor Onion takes his home,

Can you get burnout from having too much freedom? Could boredom sink in if you had all the time in the world? Considering that some folks are exhausted after a long vacation, I’d say that one could easily get tried

There’s a solid formula that’s found in Isekai Quartet. While its premise is simple — taking popular characters from isekai series and have them go to school together — the humor can be stellar thanks to its no-holds-barred jabs at

You'd be forgiven if you heard Gramercy Arms's "Yesterday's Girl", and think that you've stumbled upon a lost Tom Petty track. With Dave Derby and Renée Lo Bue's dual vocals, the love song could've easily fit on 1989's Full Moon

It's been two years since Wicked Anime recorded their own episode, but the wait is finally over! AFLM, JonStar, King Baby Duck, and EliteFourDerek reconvene for their (should've been) annual Wickies awards show! But they're not alone, as they welcome

There was plenty of hype for MAPPA’s adaptation of Tatsuki Fujimoto’s Chainsaw Man the moment it was announced. With it being one of the hottest Shonen Jump properties, the excitement of seeing the likes of Denji (Kikunosuke Toya), Makima (Tomori

If a premise begets a hit, then surely an army of imitators will show up sooner or later. With the popularity of Spy Ă— Family, it seemed like everyone wanted to try to copy their formula. Sakamoto Days has done

2023 may be here, but King Baby Duck is going back a few days to look at the best that Japan had to offer in 2022! From pop to metal, a plethora of genres are showcased in this year's best-of

Who is Rooster Fighter creator Shu Sakuratani? According to his bio, it says that he’s been in the manga industry for many years, but has only gone by this pen handle for seven. Is he a classic 80s-era author, or