Home2023 (Page 20)

March 2023

The worlds of pro wrestling and turn-based RPGs have been waiting to collide for decades. Tic Toc Games is finally opening the Forbidden Door that’s been keeping these worlds apart, with their upcoming title Wrestle Story. At PAX East, I

First thing’s first: Goodbye Volcano High is not a dinosaur dating sim game. Rather, it’s a narrative-driven story about the last year of high school. Well…to be fair, it’s the last year ever, as there’s a meteorite coming down to

Hockey is a brutal sport. Add magic to it, and you’ll have complete chaos. That seems to be the goal of RageCure Games’s Goons: Legends & Mayhem, an arcade-inspired sports game that hits the ice as hard as a dragon’s

On a mysterious island, strangeness reigns supreme. For many, that’s a problem; for Faye, the main heroine of Necrosoft’s Demonschool, that’s perfect! At PAX East, the latest demo was on display at the Ysbryd Games booth, as players have the

Sometimes the less you know, the more intriguing an experience you’ll have. That’s what I came to find when taking on Embers’s upcoming game Strayed Lights. At first, you’re pulled in by its atmosphere, only to be shook by its

Possums are both ugly and adorable. They’re the dorks of the marsupial world, with their beady eyes and long snouts being both intimidating and huggable. It’s why I took one look at Raw Fury and Cosy Computer’s Pizza Possum, and

I was full of happiness when Retroware announced Toxic Crusaders a couple of weeks ago. As a lover of all things Troma, the thought of Toxie and his gang getting a proper video game (you now, unlike those bad NES

If too many cooks spoil the broth, do too many assassins spoil the hit? With everyone and anyone putting a target on Taro Sakamoto, it would seem like the overweight weapons master would grow tired of constantly having to avoid

Back in 2014, a short film Kickstarter caught my eye thanks to its awesome visuals and hilarious callbacks. That film was Kung Fury, and to this day it’s still a short that captured the absurdness of 80s action movies perfectly.

BIKE makes sounds that transcend beyond normal consciousnesses. The Brazilian psychedelic rock quartet aims to open the third eye of every single of their listeners. Their latest single "O Torto Santo" (Portuguese for "the holy crooked") twists and turns a