After a short break the Bastards have returned with some extra pizazz!
Four years. That's how long it has taken The Behemoth to bring the world BattleBlock Theater. Since revealed in 2009 fans of Castle Crashers and Alien Hominid have waited ever-so long for the developers to bring their next foray to consoles. Hell, it was even shown off at PAX East the last few years, as if it was close to being released to the masses. So now that BattleBlock Theater has finally been put out does it merit the wait, or is it a dish of doo-doo casserole with a side of butt salad?
The Boston Bastard Brigade chat with Matt Payne and Lerin O'Neil of Plantronics about the Gamecom Commander Headset at PAX East 2013. It's the top of the line headset that Plantronics has to offer for the serious gaming experience to close out the background noise at the tournaments, or to block out the stuff going on around your house.
In preparation for this week's upcoming live video stream of the Boston Bastard Brigade, King Baby Duck did a little test run of one of the segments of the show. The result: The LowDownload.
There's a term I've coined when it comes to surprisingly good things appearing out of thin air: the left-field advantage. This is when a product (in this case, a video game) comes out of nowhere, with its end result leaving you flabbergasted in the best way possible and the wanting to spread the word about it. As a gamer this has happened to me when playing such titles as Snoopy Flying Ace, Dust: An Elysian Tail, Wreckateer, and Jimmie Johnson's Anything With An Engine. I can now add more title to this list: Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds.
It's no secret that Goro Miyazaki had to go all out for his next film. His first foray into anime, Tales of Earthsea, was not just a disappointment, but the worst film made in the Studio Ghibli library. Fortunately, thanks mostly to his famous dad, he has learned from his mistakes, and instead of taking the fantasy realm head-on he chose to helm a realistic slice-of-life period piece: From Up On Poppy Hill.
With the closing of LucasArts last week a lot of people and companies lamented on the loss of one of the most influential game makers of any generation. It is fortunate, though, that there are some out there that keep its traditional point-and-click gameplay alive and feeling anew, TellTale Games being the prime example. Some companies go even further, replicating the look and feel of those classic games.
So has anyone felt the need to play a mech game and blow some stuff up recently? Perhaps peopleĀ have noticed that there has been a lack of games like this in recent popular news, and have not been able to get their robot-killing action fix on. Well if you feel the need to be in a massive suiteĀ of armor killing other people in massive suites of armor, then I have the game for you. Welcome toĀ HAWKEN, a free-to-play multi-player game thatĀ is designed as a fast paced mech combat game.Ā You Armored Core fans can thank me later.