Episode LXV: How Easy Was That A?
The Bastards are in no need of being saved. They've got enough protection as is!
This week the B3 crew discuss the new film Easy A, and why or why not it's a chick flick. King Baby Duck and Blueonic cover the full games and demos of Worms 2: Armageddon, NBA Elite 11, Dead Rising: Case 0, Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project, Blade Kitten, MySims Sky Heroes, DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue and Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, and Blueonic and Anvil give their two cents on the arcade game Terminator Salvation. Plus Anvil reports on the week of sports, accuses a Blue Jay of steroid abuse and speaks his mind on the subject of degenerative brain disease.
The videocast: