HomeAnimeANIME/FILM REVIEW | The Sounds of Joy from "The Colors Within"

ANIME/FILM REVIEW | The Sounds of Joy from "The Colors Within"

ANIME/FILM REVIEW | The Sounds of Joy from "The Colors Within"

What gives a person their shade of spiritual color? Is a sin worth repenting for if something wonderful comes out of it? How does one deal with a guilt that hurts, yet also feels freeing from one’s suffering? These two questions ran through my mind while watching The Colors Within, the latest film from director Naoko Yamada (A Silent Voice, The Heike Story) and Science Saru (Devilman Crybaby, Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken). By the end of the film, not only do these questions find their answers, but they also gift-wrapped them in a beautiful, rainbow-infused package.

The film follows Totsuko (Sayu Suzukawa), a Catholic high school student with the ability to see the colors of others. However, she lacks the skill to know what color her own shade is, leaving her to wonder what might be the missing piece of that puzzle. Her life changes when she bonds with Kimi (Akari Takaishi), a former classmate who drops out of school unexpectedly. In awe of her color, Totsuko sets out to find her, running into Kimi at a used book store. Alongside the theremin-playing Rui (Taisei Kido), Totsuko and Kimi decide to form a band, and proceed to write, jam, and bond over the things most high school girls connect to.

Although they create moments of harmony together, something weighs down all three of these friends. Kimi has yet to tell her grandmother that she’s dropped out of school, and Rui doesn’t have the heart to tell his mother about his music passion due to her pushing him to go to medical school. Even though they shoulder the guilt, it’s Totsuko that often feels weighted over the little secrets and lies she holds close to her heart. Fortunately, Totsuko has both an ally and cheerleader in her corner, in the form of Sister Hiyoko (Yui Aragaki).

There’s something endearing about the way these characters are portrayed in The Colors Within. Both Totsuko and Kimi constantly grow throughout every meetup, whilst Rui slowly finds the courage to open up to the things he’s most passionate about. But it’s through Sister Hiyoko where the heart, soul, and pathway for these kids is pried open for the whole world to see. And it’s thanks to Hiyoko’s means of guiding Totsuko via proper life lessons where our main character soon finds exactly what she’s looking for.

Never once are Totsuko nor Kimi reprimanded for their mischief. Instead, Sister Hiyoko and the school sees these little fibs and secrets as the truly harmless things they really are. There are no threats of damnation or heavy divine intervention; they’re just acting like how kids are supposed to act at that age. And no one knows that far better than Hiyoko, who has a surprise or two of her own that makes her a true delight whenever she’s onscreen.

Yamada has a knack for not just creating beautiful stories, but also adding wonder to average life. How she captures the day-to-day routines of these kids brings about an indie film charm to the anime world. You can see the care she places not just in the genuine emotions the character has, but also the way the world’s colors truly engulf our surroundings even on the grayest of days. Even if it lacks the style of The Night is Short, Walk on Girl, Yamada still manages to make The Colors Within the most gorgeous film Science Saru has ever made.

It all comes together in the film’s climax, with Totsuko, Kimi, and Rui’s debut performance. From the way the band plays to how even the nuns dance like they’ve regained their youth, every moment of this scene is goosebump-inducing. Takaishi’s voice shines through in the three-song performance, with a range that can be compared with even the best indie pop vocalists today. One can thanks the talents of composer Kensuke Ushio (The Dangers in My Heart, Chainsaw Man), who elevates both these songs and the film score towards audible Heaven.

Pure warmth will no doubt run through your body by the time the end credits roll in The Colors Within. Yamada’s latest film is a gorgeous and heartfelt tale about friends, colors, and the beauty of creation. In a way, it’s a film that embraces faith, as even the things one can’t control in life can no doubt bring them through a path towards something miraculous. The Colors Within shows us that with the right amount of love, gumption, and creativity, even the heaviest of guilts can be lifted from one’s burdens. Dare I say, it may make you feel light enough to dance those grievances away.


Promotional consideration provided by 42West and Grace Liriano of GKIDS. English subtitled version observed for review. In theaters January 24th. Click here for tickets!

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The J-POP king of America, Evan has been bringing the hottest sounds of the Land of the Rising Sun to the English-speaking public since his college radio days. He's also an expert in the gaming, anime, & manga realms, never afraid to get critical when the times call for it. Born & bred in Boston, he achieved his biggest dream yet by making the big move to Tokyo, Japan in Summer 2023! For personal inquiries, contact Evan at evan@b3crew.com. For press/band inquiries, write to us at thebastards@bostonbastardbrigade.com. (Drawing by AFLM of Wicked Anime)