The Bastards are visited by a slightly intoxicated Panda in this extended episode!
The Bastards are in no need of being saved. They've got enough protection as is!
The Bastards are men about town in this episode!
King Baby Duck brings you another kick-ass music show featuring the hottest music from each side of the Pacific!
Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome! Im Boston Saukerl Mannschaft, au Brigade Bâtard Boston, to Boston Bastard Brigade!
The Bastards kill the bad guys dead!
The Bastards break the world record for "Most A.D.D. Moments In A Podcast Episode."
This past Thursday King Baby Duck and Nenya sat down with Apocalyptica drummer Mikko Sirén before the band's performance at the Royale in Boston, MA.
King Baby Duck serves up another fresh music Podcast this week, with a little something extra added to the mix.
Oh, how the Itis fails to keep a Bastard from speaking one's mind.