HomePodcast (Page 64)


Oh, how the Itis fails to keep a Bastard from speaking one's mind.

Don't worry: you're safe from any evil ex-boyfriends when the Bastards are around.

The Bastards make sure those other guys don't have the cojones to take over their show!

Presenting the "official" premiere of B3's J-POP/Alternative music Podcast show!

While the Duck is high in the clouds, Blueonic and Anvil take over recording duties to create a lively show.

The B3 members try their best to record after a day of celebrating and drinking. This will explain their raspy vocals during the episode.

The Bastards have prepared a snack-sized version of their show for those with less time to listen (and need more time to dream).

The Bastards celebrate their one-year anniversary with a super-deluxe episode!

When the Duck's away, the other Bastards take the reins!