HomeMovies (Page 37)


The Bastards break the world record for "Most A.D.D. Moments In A Podcast Episode."

Yesterday the world lost truly one of the greatest animation directors of all time. Satoshi Kon, whose work included Perfect Blue, Paprika and Paranoia Agent, passed away at the age of 46 after a short battle with pancreatic cancer.

Oh, how the Itis fails to keep a Bastard from speaking one's mind.

Okay, what the fuck people! I thought Mutant Chronicles was going to have more action. But NO!!! It left me high and dry. These somewhat all-star actors kind of got hosed in this movie, seeing that the actual writers of this film screwed the pooch. If I was an actor, and I was suffering for money, then I might've done this movie. Actually I would've rather slept in the gutter.

Holy crap, Clarissa has gone CRAZY! (WARNING: MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS!)

Don't worry: you're safe from any evil ex-boyfriends when the Bastards are around.

The Bastards make sure those other guys don't have the cojones to take over their show!

While the Duck is high in the clouds, Blueonic and Anvil take over recording duties to create a lively show.

The B3 members try their best to record after a day of celebrating and drinking. This will explain their raspy vocals during the episode.

You know there's not a whole lot to do during hockey season other than watch movies. Luckily, for a girl like me, the summer is packed full of blockbuster premieres. Not every summer film is ideal for every summer moviegoer, and for my fellow Bastards, I knew that getting them to see the newest of the Twilight movies would be a next to an impossible task. So I phoned my best gal pals, left my dignity at home, and headed out to tackle what was surely to be the highest grossing film this summer.