HomeMoviesNo Borders No Race: Episode Ni-Hyaku-Hachi-Juu

No Borders No Race: Episode Ni-Hyaku-Hachi-Juu

No Borders No Race: Episode Ni-Hyaku-Hachi-Juu

King Baby Duck has had a bad two weeks, but his turmoil is overshadowed by the loss of the iconic Norm Macdonald. His spirits are lifted when he talks about the Netflix film Kate, as well as the new Steve Martin/Martin Short series Only Murders in the Building. But our host's heart grows heavy again, as he talks about the closure of American Repertory Theatre's Oberon.

PLAYLIST (with album/single links):

  1. Norm Macdonald - The Most Convoluted Joke Ever (clip from the TV talk show CONAN)
  2. LiSA - HADASHi NO STEP (digital single)
  3. BAND-MAID - glory (from the album CONQUEROR)
  4. Andrew W.K. - Babalon (from the album God Is Partying)
  5. the pillows - Sleepy Head (from the album another morning, another pillows)
  6. Sayuri - Sekai no Himitsu (digital single)
  7. The Kundalini Genie - Half In, Half Out (from the album Half In, Half Out) [in stores November 12]
  8. Robby Roadsteamer - They Laid Your Father Off From The Dick Factory (from the album Postcards From The Den Of Failure)
  9. toe - Sonny Boy Rhapsody (from the Sonny Boy Original Soundtrack)
  10. Avatar - The King Welcomes You To Avatar Country (from the album Avatar Country)
  11. Shonen Knife - Wonder Wine (from the album Brand New Knife) [out of print]
  12. Vickeblanka - Mirage (from the album FATE)
  13. Cravism X Maya Diegel - Caryatid (digital single)
  14. Necry Talkie - Fuzaketenaize (digital single)

(Right-click to download!)

Opening theme: "The S.S. Shitstorm" by the_Stampede (from the album A Marvel of Idiocy)

For more information on the Cultural Exchange Initiative, visit their official website, Instagram, and Facebook!

The Boston Bastard Brigade kindly encourages you to support these artists, and buy their songs/album. You can find the majority of these releases on CDJapan.co.jp, YesAsiaAmazon.com, Apple Music, the bands' official websites & Bandcamps, and your local record stores.

Promotional consideration for tracks six and twelve made by Shameless Promotion PR.

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The J-POP king of America, Evan has been bringing the hottest sounds of the Land of the Rising Sun to the English-speaking public since his college radio days. He's also an expert in the gaming, anime, & manga realms, never afraid to get critical when the times call for it. Born & bred in Boston, he achieved his biggest dream yet by making the big move to Tokyo, Japan in Summer 2023! For personal inquiries, contact Evan at evan@b3crew.com. For press/band inquiries, write to us at thebastards@bostonbastardbrigade.com. (Drawing by AFLM Art)