KBD's Top Ten Video Games Of 2012 (And The Five Worst)
With 2013 gaming now about to start it's time we look back at the games we remember both fondly and smugly at from year's past. Because it's fun to trash-talk, let's start things off with five of the worst games to come out this year!
5. Skullgirls
I still cannot understand why Skullgirls got so much praise. The AI is damn-near impossible to defeat even on the easiest of settings, and the game is unplayable on a regular controller. I love fighter games just as much as the next guy, but to have to drop $15 for Skullgirls for less than ten characters and then be expected to fork over another $150 for an arcade stick is not just highway robbery, it's borderline laziness from the developers! If Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat can be played with ease on a regular controller, then so should this! Sorry, Autumn Games, but while I loved your past work Skullgirls was a really bad misstep.
Click here to read the full list!