Don't worry: you're safe from any evil ex-boyfriends when the Bastards are around.
The Bastards make sure those other guys don't have the cojones to take over their show!
While the Duck is high in the clouds, Blueonic and Anvil take over recording duties to create a lively show.
The B3 members try their best to record after a day of celebrating and drinking. This will explain their raspy vocals during the episode.
The Bastards have prepared a snack-sized version of their show for those with less time to listen (and need more time to dream).
The Bastards celebrate their one-year anniversary with a super-deluxe episode!
Attention Bastards, Bastettes and Wenches! ElectricSistaHood Magazine is ready to be viewed with your very own eyes!
Calling all bastards, bastettes, wenches, sistahs, brothas, geeks, jocks, otaku, gamers and all-out lovers of pop culture! We've got a shameless plug for you to bite down on and swallow like a tasty chocolate morsel!