HomeComics/Manga (Page 90)


The smell of chimichangas and bad aftershave stained the room. Beer bottles scattered everywhere, pancake mix that had expired two weeks ago spilt all over the floor, and a bathroom in a state of rancid decay stared from me across

Hands in the air, Presidents and Prime Ministers! We've got one of the main vocalists from the Flobots guesting on another edition of One-On-One!

Take some Dramamine, because it's time for another episode with the Bastards!

Comics, comics, comics! The Bastards get neck-deep into the realm of superheroes and powers beyond human capabilities, and they called in a specialist to help with the matter...

The upcoming free-to-play title Firefall amazed us all this past April at PAX East. Now they're looking to add some extra back story in the form of a manga-influenced web comic series. Oh, and did I mention famed sci-fi writer Orson Scott Card is involved? Check out the video preview after the jump!

Avengers time. C'mon, grab your friends. We'll go to very distant lands!

Next year will mark the 20th anniversary of the very first manga to ever get me into the world of Japanese animation. To celebrate I dusted off the Magic Knight DVDs and traveled back to the land of Cephiro with Umi, Fuu, and Hikaru. Magic Knight Rayearth was one the very first magical girl series, and has defiantly stuck with me throughout the years as one of my all-time favorites.

Team SITCAS was on stage. Tons of dancing filled the Auditorium. It was time for some Cosplay Chess!

I arrived at the Hynes at about 8:30 a.m. for the start of Day Two of Anime Boston 2011. Unfortunately due to an error I only blame myself for I came in thinking that the next event on my planner, the Anime Music Video contest, was at nine, only to find that it was actually at ten. I killed some time wandering around and checking out the cosplayers. I've started to notice that I've seen a lot of these costumes from last year. Maybe the economy's to blame, or perhaps they worked so hard on the costumes that wearing it only once wasn't enough to merit their craftsmanship. After a few minutes of walking around aimlessly I sat myself down in line to check out the AMV show.

With a mere five-minute wait in the pre-registration line I was given access to Anime Boston 2011. As soon as I walked in the insanity didn't just walk into me, it punched me square in the jaw. Cosplayers, steampunk, random dancing and the nonstop Marco Polo filled the air, hallways and panel rooms as the annual crazy otaku weekend began at the Hynes Convention Center. And the day hadn't even started.