MANGA REVIEW | "Chainsaw Man" - Volume Two
Many people want to achieve the ultimate goal in life. To some, that goal is perhaps to get married and have kids; other times, people wish for a prosperous job and a nice roof over their heads. Denji, the titular Chainsaw Man, has what he claims to be the greatest goal of mankind: to touch a boob. In Volume Two, his dream is close to being realized, but does it come to be?
Of course, that’s not the only thing surrounding the latest Chainsaw Man. For starters, we’ve got a literal bat out of hell wrecking havoc in the streets, with Denji using his will to be a horndog to muster the strength to defeat him. Meanwhile, Power makes herself cozy in Denji and Aki’s lair, demonstrating her lack of ladylike mannerisms. However, the new roomie comedy is put on hold when word gets out of the notorious Gun Devil reappearing. With its last death toll in the millions, can the Public Safety team keep the Gun Devil from taking any more lives?
Tatsuki Fujimoto’s brand of humor is at the forefront of this volume, which sometimes overshadows its brutal action. At times, it can be a little immature, but considering the things Denji went through before becoming Chainsaw Man, his perception of things is kind of understandable. A mere kiss or even reaching first base with a woman is all that he currently desires. So it’s funny that when he finally earned the right to touch, he walks away from it...kind of disappointed.
Denji has an epiphany, as he realizes that merely grabbing of a succulent breast isn’t all that life is worth living for. It’s a conversation with Makima that dives deep into the importance of connections with a significant other. After all, how can one fully enjoy something “life-changing” when the person that they’re experiencing it with isn’t the right person? That’s when Denji realizes just how much he’s lacking in life, and — perhaps — Makima could be the one to fulfill his greatest necessities.
Or he could possibly put his mind deep in the gutter when Makima offers him a free pass to do anything with her if he kills the Gun Devil. After all, nothing better to get a raunchy horse moving than to put a picture of a filly on a stick at just enough of a length to get those hooves leaving the ground. It’s even better when a certain eyepatch-wearing babe offers a kiss as a reward too, which is enough to make the rest of the Public Safety crew charge forward into the mission. (To save Himeno’s “purity” from Denji, of course, but what’s really going through their minds?!)
Despite the humor taking more of a center-stage position, it’s Fujimoto’s visuals that once again wow on every page of action. The way Denji saws his way through the Bat Devil and its surroundings is a thrill to read through! This battle is filled with chopped-up limbs, exploding buildings, and even a couple of vehicles used as weapons to help Denji with his battle. It’s gruesome, violent, and — above all — incredibly cool to watch unfold!
Volume Two of Chainsaw Man goes off the rails plenty of times, but it’s surprisingly the somewhat calm character development that makes it such a good read. Yes, you are reading a story about a man who can protrude chainsaws all over his body, but — as both Sam Raimi and Lloyd Kaufman have shown — there’s always room for a little emotion in-between the chaos. Chainsaw Man continues to be a unique and grotesquely fun newcomer in the shonen world, and while it’s not for those with weak stomachs, it’s got enough mayhem to guarantee a good time for those willing to dive in!
Promotional consideration provided by Gabrielle Dyer of VIZ Media