HomeAnimeSection23 Films Announces March 2020 Release Dates

Section23 Films Announces March 2020 Release Dates

Section23 Films Announces March 2020 Release Dates

March may deliver the first signs of Spring, but it's all about cute spies, a space alien princess, and some strange interpretations of classic literature over at Section23 Films! Check out what's to come from the gang all throughout March 2020:

Published by: Sentai Filmworks
Run Time: 300 min.
Street Date: 3/3/2020
Format: BD
Language: Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP: $59.98

The mystical Story Teller created a world where everyone is born with a book that dictates their life story in advance. Everyone, that is, except for a handful of individuals with books full of blank pages that allow them to cross from one prewritten storyline to another and act of their own free will. That ability turns out to be a fortunate thing, as rogue plotters called Chaos Tellers are introducing new and unexpected elements into the most popular storylines, fracturing the course of fairy tales and bedtime yarns into the stuff of nightmares. Can Ex, Reina, Shane and Tao undo the repercussions of aberrations like Little Red Riding Hood suddenly gaining the ability to manipulate fire? Things are looking mighty grim indeed when our heroes must fight to un-revise the revisions!

Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions Ultimate Collection

Published by: Sentai Filmworks
Run Time: 840 min.
Street Date: 3/10/2020
Format: BD
Language: English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP: $129.98

Yuta Togashi spent years living in a complete fantasy world, a real condition called chunibyo that affects thousands of Japanese students. However, with a lot of work and effort, he's managed to regain his perspective to the point where he's ready to go to high school as a normal kid. Unfortunately, the girl who lives above Yuta is deep into her own case of chuni, and in HER fantasy world, Yuta is her soul mate! How do you handle a relationship with a girl whose feelings may be based entirely on delusions? And what happens when Yuta's FORMER "one true soul mate" returns with her own skewed version of reality? Modern relationships can often get a little weird, but Yuta's life is about to get seriously wild and crazy!

Mysteria Friends

Published by: Sentai Filmworks
Run Time: 150 min.
Street Date: 3/10/2020
Format: BD
Language: English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP: $49.98

Welcome to Mysteria Academy, where the secrets of magic are taught to an eager student body composed of humans, gods and demons. Of course, it takes an unusual degree of tolerance for these groups to mingle freely, but thanks to this unusually diverse and inclusive educational experience, the most unlikely friendships are bound to spring up. Which is how Anne, a human honor student who happens to be a Princess, finds herself growing increasingly close to Grea, a half-human/half-dragon who also happens to be a Princess. Sure, fairy tales would have you believe that relationships between Princesses and Dragons are bound to end up badly, but that doesn't take bonding while shopping and trips to the beach into account, let alone the fact that what they're feeling may be a little more than just friendship...

Release The Spyce Blu-Ray

Published by: Sentai Filmworks
Run Time: 300 min.
Street Date: 3/17/2020
Format: BD, PBS
Language: English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP: $69.98, $99.98 (limited edition)

One never knows where the forces of evil may be preparing to strike, but fortunately for the citizens of the city of Sorasaki, there is a secret group of mysterious protectors who stand ever ready to fend off the pernicious plans of sinister scoundrels, malevolent malefactors and nefarious ne'er-do-wells. But who are these heroes and how are they recruited? Momo Minamoto is a normal high school student who dreams of one day becoming a police officer like her late father, but when she investigates the case of a missing friend, she quickly finds herself being recruited into the ranks of the Tsukikage, a group of high school girl spies with above average abilities and the ferocious fighting skills needed to take on any fiend who foments foulness and corruption! (Check out our review of Release The Spyce here, and see why we call it "one spicy and satisfying treat for the eyes and mind"!)

Maria Watches Over Us

Published by: Maiden Japan
Run Time: 1100 min.
Street Date: 3/24/2020
Format: BD
Language: Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP: $99.98

Adapting to life at Tokyo's prestigious Lillian Girls' Academy can be difficult, so the school has developed a long tradition of older students "adopting" younger girls and serving as their advisors and confidantes. Even so, shy young Yumi Fukuzawa is startled and flustered when a beautiful and popular upperclassman Yumi has admired, Sachiko Ogasawara, unexpectedly expresses interest in taking Yumi under her wing. Is Sachiko really serious? And if she is, is Yumi ready to be thrust into the spotlight of public scrutiny that comes with becoming the "petite soeur" to one of the student council's inner circle, the Roses? As the gossip and speculation surrounding the nature of their relationship increases, Yumi finds her life and perceptions changing in new and unexpected directions in the complete collection of this anime classic!

ToLoveRu Blu-Ray

Published by: Sentai Filmworks
Run Time: 650 min.
Street Date: 3/31/2020
Format: BD
Language: English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP: $89.98

What do you do when a naked princess from outer space suddenly appears in your bathtub? If you're Rito Yuki, the confused teenager who's rub-a-dubbing when the perky Princess Lala of Deviluke splashes down, you inexplicably find yourself engaged to her royal highness' heavenly body, whether you want to marry her or not! Oh, and you're ALSO now heir to the throne of the Planet Deviluke, as well as the target for an endless stream of intergalactic invaders, assassins, rival suitors, and an unbelievably long cosmic chorus line of gorgeous women who are all determined to wormhole their way into Rito's heart and/or bed! And that, needless to say, is probably going to make getting together with the nice Japanese girl who Rito's actually in love with just a wee bit more complicated...

For more information, visit the official Sentai Filmworks site!

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The J-POP king of America, Evan has been bringing the hottest sounds of the Land of the Rising Sun to the English-speaking public since his college radio days. He's also an expert in the gaming, anime, & manga realms, never afraid to get critical when the times call for it. Born & bred in Boston, he achieved his biggest dream yet by making the big move to Tokyo, Japan in Summer 2023! For personal inquiries, contact Evan at evan@b3crew.com. For press/band inquiries, write to us at thebastards@bostonbastardbrigade.com. (Drawing by AFLM of Wicked Anime)