No Borders No Race: Episode Hyaku-Kyu-Juu-Ni
After a bit of Anime Boston news, King Baby Duck takes a jab at the Oscars for snubbing some of the better animated films of 2017, while praising the same awards show for givingĀ nods to two films that grabbed his attention. SyFy thinks outside the box with the quirky action/comedy/WTF series Happy!, whereas the cuteness is unbearable (yet soothing) in the new anime How to Keep a Mummy!
PLAYLIST (with album/single links):
- Megumi Nakajima - Saturday Night Question (digital single)
- Babymetal - Akumu no Rinbukyoku (from the album Babymetal)
- Jon Lindsay - Zebulon (digital single)
- miwa - We are the light (digital single)
- GitoGito Hustler - M * Waka (from the album Love & Roll)
- Turbonegro - Hot For Nietzche (from the album Rocknroll MacHine)
- FLOW - Ryusei (from the album GAME)
- The's - She Was a Mau Mau (from the compilation album Bomb the Rocks: Early Days Singles)
- Nova Flares - Gut Splinter (digital single)
- Guitar Wolf - I Love You, OK (from the compilation album Golden Black: Greatest Hits)
- Eri Sasaki - Fuyu Biyori (CD single)
- Frank Turner - Wanderlust (from the compilation album The Second Three Years)
- The50Kaitenz - David Bowie o Kidotte (from the album The50Kaitenz)
Rock out with your imaginary friend! It'sĀ No Borders No Race: Episode Hyaku-Kyu-Juu-Ni!
The Boston Bastard Brigade kindly encourages you to support these artists, and buy their songs/album. You can find the majority of these releases on, YesAsia,Ā, iTunes, the bands' official websites & Bandcamps, and your local record stores.
Promotional consideration for tracks three and nine made by Shameless Promotion PR