Rockstar Games Brings the "Payne" at PAX East - Part One
For the press hour we were able to book it right over to the awesomeness of Rockstar Studios, where we were able to get a chance to actually play Max Payne 3. Quite simply I am impressed with what I was able to witness.
Rockstar Games have upped the ante on the graphics in Max Payne's latest journey, as they were fluid and just all around done. The gameplay was pretty sick, considering it's been awhile since Max Payne has been seen on either a PC or console setup. The bullet time awesomeness is back, with the ability to jump through the air and shoot up those who aim to kill Max. When you take out the last guy in the area you are currently in, you're able to control the cinematic death of that character.
When I was going into this I felt that Rockstar was going to mess up the world of Max Payne that we loved, but I feel like an ass for saying that, as they have been able to make the more advanced in what we were playing. (It also helps that the original developers Remedy have been giving their thumb's up throughout the game's development.)
Max Payne 3 has a cinematic feel to it, as if your are playing in a movie. Also the beautiful thing is there are NO LOAD SCREENS!!! You will be able to maneuver through this game as if it was a bonafide action film. I know that I have always had fun with the waiting screens, as it sometimes gets to the point where I can't figure out if the game has crashed or -- like in Duke Nukem Forever -- the load screens were so long you could actually get chores done around the house. I'm glad that Rockstar Games has put the game together in this cinematic aspect, as it gives you the feeling of a bigger open world in this third-person shooter.
When May 15 comes along (May 29 for PC owners) I can be almost certain that Max Payne 3 will be worth the wait, unlike most titles that have been delayed in the past. Until then, look out for more details about Max Payne 3 during the PAX East coverage.