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October 2011

After dealing with the flooding situation the Bastards return for another new episode.

Once in a great while there comes a game whose protagonist represents the average guy just doing the right thing to get by. Sometimes the developers get it right, whereas other times they jump the shark and make the hero too strong to symbolize a regular person's strengths. Rochard, the first game from Recoil Games, takes the everyman approach, puts it in space and gives us one hell of a ride.

If you thought dealing with the Japanese mafia was bad, wait until you have to associate them with the undead.

This is going to be one of those not-so-easy explanations for a review, so I'll explain my opinion side-by-side with giving this game the honest review that it rightfully deserves. If you are a fan or interested in this game, stick with me for this one.

The Vagabonds stop by the Bastard realm for an all-new episode.

It's one thing to go into a theatrical experience and have its performers give what the audience wants. It is a far worse idea to bring in one of the biggest A-list actors out there, and underuse his talents for the vast majority of an expensively-priced production. Such is the case of The Infernal Comedy, which made its American debut at Boston's Majestic Theater.