HomeMusicNo Borders No Race: The Top Ten Japanese Albums of 2019

No Borders No Race: The Top Ten Japanese Albums of 2019

No Borders No Race: The Top Ten Japanese Albums of 2019

2019 is nearing its end, and it's time we look at the albums that truly shone the brightest from Japan! Join King Baby Duck as he looks at the very best records from the Japanese music scene, ranging from J-POP to even ska! Plus, DJ Mike "From Tokyo" Rogers pops by to give his very own Top Five of 2019!

Christmas comes a day early! It's No Borders No Race: The Top Ten Japanese Albums of 2019!

Special thanks to Mike Rogers for taking the time to record!

For more information on the Cultural Exchange Initiative, visit their official website, Instagram, and Facebook!

The Boston Bastard Brigade kindly encourages you to support these artists, and buy their songs/album. You can find the majority of these releases on CDJapan.co.jp, YesAsia, Amazon.com, Apple Music, the bands' official websites & Bandcamps, and your local record stores.

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PLAYLIST (with album links):

  1. BAND-MAID - flying high (from the album CONQUEROR)
  2. SOIL & "PIMP" SESSIONS - Reptilian's Dance (from the album Man Steals the Stars)
  3. the peggies - Hachimitsu (from the album Hell like Heaven)
  4. THE CHERRY COKE$ - Ark Line (from the album OLDFOX)
  5. HYDE - Lion (from the album Anti)
      1. Samehada Shiriko & Dynamite - Busy Busy (from the album NEWRETROCK)
      2. The Tomboys - Naomi no Yume (from the compilation album TOMBOY's Favorite 2)
      3. Su凸ko D凹koi - Expectation of the Afterlife (from the album Yakeishi ni Pizza)
      4. The Routes - Up & Down (from the album Tune Out Switch Off Drop In)
      5. The Let's Go's - Heibon Cherry (from the album Heibon Cherry) [Mike's Top Song of 2019]
  6. Guitar Wolf - Australopithecus Spark (from the album LOVE&JETT)
  7. m-flo - against all gods (from the album KYO)
  8. Babymetal (feat. Joakim Broden) - Oh! MAJINAI (from the album Metal Galaxy)
  9. Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra - Zombie Games (from the album Tokyo Ska-Lorful Collage)
  10. Otoboke Beaver - Don't light my fire (from the album ITEKOMA HITS) [2019 Japanese Album of the Year]
  11. BBHF - Simple (from the Family EP) [Best Japanese EP of 2019]

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    The J-POP king of America, Evan has been bringing the hottest sounds of the Land of the Rising Sun to the English-speaking public since his college radio days. He's also an expert in the gaming, anime, & manga realms, never afraid to get critical when the times call for it. Born & bred in Boston, he achieved his biggest dream yet by making the big move to Tokyo, Japan in Summer 2023! For personal inquiries, contact Evan at evan@b3crew.com. For press/band inquiries, write to us at thebastards@bostonbastardbrigade.com. (Drawing by AFLM Art)