Home2019May (Page 3)

May 2019

Have you ever listened to an album and felt like you had been transported to Narnia or Middle Earth? You're not alone if you've ever heard the works of Kim Thompsett! HerĀ (very) old-school folk sound brings forth Renaissance-styled limericks and

For a series that ended well over fifteen years ago, Tsutomu Nihei's BLAME! still has a lot of life left in it. A recent Netflix movie brought Nihei's series back into the consciousness of manga & anime fans alike, erasing

The Boston Bastard Brigade, Toonami Faithful,Ā Anime Herald, Syfy Wire, The Geekly Grind, Raider Times, and GamePressĀ chatted with Yuri Lowenthal, the voice of such iconic characters as Spider-Man and Sasuke Uchiha in Naruto! Hear about his (no-longer) secret Rave Master stash,

When I was a kid, I fondly looked forward to when my class would get those Scholastic mini-catalogs. In these catalogs, classics like Goosebumps and Animorphs would often be paired up with kid-friendly light-novel tie-ins to such films as Ace

It's been several years since the PS3 and PC release of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel, so I guess it was only a matter of time before it would release on the PS4. Much like the PC