Shameless Tuesdays: Livre 40 | HALLOWS
Beneath the catacombs of Seattle, Washington rests the duo of Dom R. and Vanee D., better known in the scene as HALLOWS. Combining Karen O-like vocals with Bauhaus-styled melodies, HALLOWS crafts songs that tickle your spine and swipe your soul from your throat. On April 3rd, their debut EP Subtle is set to be launched, with its title track embracing you like a vampire in a plague doctor mask. To prepare its listeners for what's to come, HALLOWS have taken hold of this week's Shameless Tuesdays!
Here's what HALLOWS has to say about this week's playlist:
The playlist has modern artists who have served as inspiration for our music. They are the tracks that we have been jamming pretty repetitively lately. These songs have heavy atmosphere and mood, which resonate with us. Listeners will find that this playlist will have them dancing while also getting pulled into raw emotions.
We are thrilled that our EP, "Subtle", is coming out and that people finally get to hear what we have been making over this past year. We’ve recorded "Subtle" over the Summer of 2019 and have been sitting on all of this since then. Now that it is starting to come out in the open, it has been exciting to hear what people have to say about it.
For more information on HALLOWS, visit their official Facebook and Instagram. Preorder Subtle below via their Bandcamp:
Promotional consideration provided by Shameless Promotion PR