Anime Boston 2013 AMV Contest: My Picks!
A couple hours ago the Anime Music Video contest at Anime Boston came to an end. After careful picking and choosing I have come down with my picks for each category!
"Fidelity" - Wolf Children - "King" by Lauren Aquilina - Edited by Xophilarus
This AMV sums up the plot, the emotion, and the sense of wonderment of Mamoru Hosoda's latest (and best) film to date, all pieced together by a song that fits the mood of the film perfectly. While there are plenty of spoilers in the video it still may give viewers the curiosity to check out the film when it comes out later this year. Take note, FUNImation: this is how you should promote this gem of a film!
Shoot Me! - Black Lagoon - "Tommy Gun" by Royal Republic - Edited by BecauseImBored1
If this fan made this AMV due to his/her namesake, they should do it often. Capturing the excitement, the thrill rides, and the outfits of Rock and Revy the video showcased everything that made Black Lagoon such a fun series to watch. It also helps that Revy's sexy badass appeal matched with the Royal Republic track.
B.F.B. - Yamada's First Time (B Gata H Kei) - "My Best Friend's Brother" by Victoria Justice - Edited by Jump Cat Productions
B Gata H Kei is a very underrated sex comedy, so much props to someone for doing a well-edited AMV to it. The  crazed antics and overall tone of the anime was presented with some great lip-synching, along with some nice touches regarding the changes to the relationships between the three characters. Trust me: it's good for a few laughs, too. (Be sure to read my review of B Gata H Kei here!)
Don't Stop Arale Now! - Dr. Slump - "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen - Edited by Nils Houghton
It's an anime to Queen. Above all, it's an amazingly danceable AMV that will have you singing along as the robot girl Arale does some of the funniest and zaniest stuff you'll ever see. If you don't smile at all during this video, then I have no hope for your future of happiness.
Phoenix Drum - Various - "Happy Valley" by Vanessa Mae - Edited by Truffle Pig Studios
This was sadly the weakest category, as there weren't any that made me  jump out of my seat excited by what I saw. Perhaps by default I have to give it to this video because it was edited well to the classical music playing to the respective films and series. Still it didn't draw me in like the other categories did.
Magic Mouth - Puella Magi Madoka Magica - "Magic" by B.o.B - Edited by BasharOfTheAges
It's great seeing someone take a really messed up anime series that is just about serious from start to finish, and make it hilarious. Granted it was weird seeing Kyubey's mouth actually move the way it did, but it fit wonderfully with the whimsical vibe Madoka Magica would've had if it was anything like its opening credits (until the whimsy got its head bitten off!). A great video to trick unsuspecting people who have no idea what to expect from this dark and brilliant series.
Before the actual contest began they showed a video that was out of competition. An official video from rapper Gowe this gaming-influenced gem was beautiful to look at as it was to listen to. Check it out below, and please keep an eye on this talent in the near-future:
So those are my picks! Be sure to share your thoughts below, and let us know who you think deserves to win at this year's AMV contest at Anime Boston!