BOSTON FIG 2012 | "Amelia" Takes On Quite A Trouble Impact!
Once again I got sucked towards another table at Boston FIG, and got to try out this intersting side-scrolling game called Amelia Vs. The Marathon, brought to you by Trouble Impact.
Trouble Impact co-founder Issam Khalil walked me through the game on an iPad. (Yes, I was using an iPad, people!) I'm not much of a Mac user but this game seems to be a bit more awesome playing it on a tablet, even though I believe it's going to be on all tablets and cell phones. I'm impressed with the multiple applications you could place this game on. From the graphics setup immediately I was in awe, especially for an independent game. The shading effects and the characters look pretty awesome (see video above). The premise of the game is to really keep Amelia running as fast as she can go. She is trying to obtain the world record for completing the marathon, but the record holder doesn't like that idea. The record holder sends out these henchmen to come after you in different ways, so while you are running there will be obstacles that you deal with such as raised manhole covers that you jumped over and under construction bars you slide under.
Not only that you deal with a mini-boss battle, which is shown in the video. They had it so you have to watch out for the guy with the water gun. The duck/jump setup applies again, but it also gives you three options to fight back. The fun part about that is you could be going pretty fast from before that, but if you come out getting hit a few times from the boss you're going to be running a lot slower. You'll have to build up your rhythm again to get that ultimate running high out of the game.
All in all, Trouble Impact was one spot at Boston FIG that I was happy to stop by and check out. For more information on them and Amelia Vs. The Marathon visit their official website!