HomeComics/MangaMANGA REVIEW | "RuriDragon" - Volume One

MANGA REVIEW | "RuriDragon" - Volume One

MANGA REVIEW | "RuriDragon" - Volume One

You wake up one morning, and you find your body’s changing. That’s perfectly normal, as it happens to everyone. For some, it’s a growth spurt, whereas others start having hair growing in weird places. But Ruri Aoki’s got something peculiar with her body: horns. Thus beings the tale of RuriDragon, which takes a more laid-back approach to the fantasy comedy genres.

At first, Ruri takes the appearance of the horns with a shrug. However, when it’s revealed that her father’s a dragon, that’s when the questions start pouring out! Will Ruri have more dragon features come into play? Why hasn’t she known about her dad being something not human? And how will her friends and classmates react to the sight of her changing body?

These questions and more will be answered all in good time, but RuriDragon doesn’t want to rush it all out at once. For now, Ruri has to get through school without being embarrassed. The good news is that her classmates and teachers don’t seem to mind, so long as she’s not in pain. Ruri even kind of starts to become popular thanks to her horns, as she poses for pics and allows her classmates to give them a good touching. But when she accidentally breaths fire, that’s when Ruri becomes more concerned with her situation.

Ruri’s peculiar changes are a great analogy for what everyone experiences during puberty. We all freak out over the tiniest differences, ranging from pimples and facial hair to even hands & feet growing to mismatched sizes. Perhaps this is why Ruri has such a non-reaction to the horns at first, as she knows every person’s body changes differently. It’s a cute and funny way to look at how we grow up during our teenage years, even if it goes a fantastical route.

Only when she lets out a sneeze and accidentally burns her classmate’s hair does Ruri really start to worry. Thankfully, she’s got a mom who’ll do anything to reassure her that everything will be fine. From having a long talk with dragon daddy to speaking to her entire class about the situation, Ruri’s mother pulls out all the stops in order to make sure she grows up in a comfortable environment. It’s a good thing then that her classmates and teachers are so accepting to her situation, as they take the news in stride.

There’s a sort of indie comedy attitude that fills the essence of RuriDragon. Rather than go full wacky like what Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid does, this manga instead treads a path similar to the likes of Kevin Smith, Diablo Cody, and Richard Linklater. It keeps the narrative grounded, adding an odd-yet-familiar vibe to the way the story is being told. On top of that, the art style is both adorable and slick, with Masaoki Shindo bringing forth character designs that feel fitting for both a manga and an indie comic.

Volume One of RuriDragon showcases why it’s one of Shonen Jump’s more unique titles in recent memory. With that being said, it’s both funny and relatable, as it keeps the characters humanistic even with the fantasy elements playing a key role. I’m eager to see what other sorts of odd things will happen to Ruri in the future, as I’m certain horns and fire won’t be the only thing she deals with. For now though, RuriDragon offers plenty of big laughs and sweet moments, as Ruri enters a new world that’s both scary and welcoming to the changes she’s going through.


Promotional consideration provided by Chantelle Sturt of VIZ Media.

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The J-POP king of America, Evan has been bringing the hottest sounds of the Land of the Rising Sun to the English-speaking public since his college radio days. He's also an expert in the gaming, anime, & manga realms, never afraid to get critical when the times call for it. Born & bred in Boston, he achieved his biggest dream yet by making the big move to Tokyo, Japan in Summer 2023! For personal inquiries, contact Evan at evan@b3crew.com. For press/band inquiries, write to us at thebastards@bostonbastardbrigade.com. (Drawing by AFLM of Wicked Anime)