HomeComics/MangaMANGA REVIEW | "Hirayasumi" - Volume Three

MANGA REVIEW | "Hirayasumi" - Volume Three

MANGA REVIEW | "Hirayasumi" - Volume Three

The more I read Hirayasumi, the more it becomes my go-to comfort read. While series like Flying Witch and Non Non Biyori have their fair share of warmth, Keigo Shinzo’s series has a more grounded vibe to its narratives. It’s the kind of feeling that leaves me smiling after reading each chapter, even if things aren’t all sunshine & rainbows in Hiroto and Natsumi’s lives. Yet after reading Volume Three of Hirayasumi, my gut feeling told me that things are going to be a-okay for the carefree spirit and his artsy cousin.

Well…it’s either that or gas, but we’ll (shockingly) get back to that in a bit. For now, Natsumi’s on Cloud Nine after she gets some great news about her manga submission. A good meeting with an editor gives her high hopes that she’ll become a successful author, a feeling that many rookies in the scene would certainly feel. But as she’ll come to find out later on, high praise won’t always come, as a good manga requires a focused plot and very little cracks in the story.

Natsumi’s highs and lows in creating manga bookend the third volume of Hirayasumi well. You start out by seeing her looking invincible, as if she believes that she can take on anything and everything life dishes her. But later on, reality comes knocking, and it’s got a bountiful of notes on things that need improving. Although Natsumi’s spirit is not entirely crushed, having the real world give you a nasty uppercut when you don’t expect it would damper anyone’s parade.

But that’s not all that’s happening in Natsumi’s life. After a college art exhibition, a feeling of love might be blossoming within her over the cool slacker kid in school. That is, until she realizes that he reminds him all too much of a certain ne’er-do-well that lives under her roof. Thankfully, her friend Akari has the hots for the guy, meaning there’s no worrying about creating a love triangle.

Speaking of love triangles, one starts to be built around Hirayasumi’s real estate agent Yomogi. She has no idea how she feels about Hiroto, but a critically-acclaimed author somehow enters her life. And while Hiroto’s the often messy guy, this one is a true minimalist. But does she really feel strongly about Hiroto like she does this shy-yet-stern-looking author?

A swim in the local pool gives her some time to ponder over these feelings. Okay, it’s actually for weight reasons, but working out helps to clear one’s mind, dammit! But it becomes a little awkward when Hiroto winds up sharing a swim lane with her, leaving the real estate agent a little flustered. Fortunately, Hiroto unwittingly finds a way to help her both relax and let out a hearty laugh, and it rhymes with “part”!

It wouldn’t be Hirayasumi without a flashback to when Granny was still alive. This time, it goes back to a Halloween evening, where the old woman is in need of help with her groceries. Thankfully, a strapping young man is there to help her not just with an errand, but also with giving her the first motor scooter ride experience of her life! The story is sweet, and it shows why Hiroto played an important part in the remaining days of this Granny’s life.

Every time I open a volume of Hirayasumi, I feel the good times coming on. Shinzo has a real knack for keeping it real with these characters, while still making sure every situation is as entertaining as the last. Life is full of ups and downs, and in its third volume, Hirayasumi demonstrates these waves with a plethora of love and care. I don’t know how long Shinzo plans to keep telling its story, but one can hope that it’s a long, fuzzy coherent journey for Hiroto, Natsumi, and even Yomogi!


Promotional consideration provided by Chantelle Sturt of VIZ Media.

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The J-POP king of America, Evan has been bringing the hottest sounds of the Land of the Rising Sun to the English-speaking public since his college radio days. He's also an expert in the gaming, anime, & manga realms, never afraid to get critical when the times call for it. Born & bred in Boston, he achieved his biggest dream yet by making the big move to Tokyo, Japan in Summer 2023! For personal inquiries, contact Evan at evan@b3crew.com. For press/band inquiries, write to us at thebastards@bostonbastardbrigade.com. (Drawing by AFLM of Wicked Anime)