MANGA REVIEW | "Don’t Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro" - Vol. 17
There’s always plenty of room for sweetness in Don’t Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro. Although comedy is in the forefront of Nanashi’s series, that doesn’t mean our titular hero and Hachioji can’t have any endearing moments in their story. As the two grow closer to confessing to one another, the moments they have alone are more sweet than silly. In Volume Seventeen, not only do our couple-to-be find more time to be endearing, but they also up the ante in the bravery department.
Sadly, the bravery doesn’t involve anything romantic, but it could lead to it if things go according to plan. Both Nagatoro and Hachioji are still aiming to be the top in their field, be it the judo champ or scoring the highest in a mock art exam. Hachioji’s got his most difficult part down pat, which leads Nagatoro to needing to follow through. The question is, how can one pull off a move in judo without their opponent seeing it coming?
It’s a heart-to-heart between Nagatoro and Hachioji that helps realize what the queen of teasing needs to do. Once she trains with her fellow judo members and family, the trick to victory finally comes to her. Although it works in practice, it’ll be very interesting to see it pulled off on the day of the tourneys. But before that happens, the hard work by both the judo and art clubs is rewarded with some time off. And what better way to celebrate than a date around town!
Normally, this is the moment in Don’t Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro when the rest of the cast sneaks off to follow the main duo. But then Nanashi does something surprising. Instead of the usual get-togethers that result in some goofy spying, Nagatoro and Hachioji just have a nice day together. Some sightseeing, eating local foods, and even a nice sit-down in the forest, with Nagatoro giving Hachioji a wonderfully warm reward. The manga has its cute moments, but they’ve never reached adorable heights like this!
Of course, even if they’re already doing these sorts of things, it doesn’t mean they’re ready to reveal their true feelings. A bet’s a bet, so nary a confession is uttered by either of them. It would appear that the pathway to victory for both is clear, but then a couple of roadblocks appear. The first is the K.A.I. Oil Painting Trinity, and they aim to take the top three spots in the exam!
Their appearance late in the game adds a bit of tension to the overall story arc. At first, they’re grinding on Hachioji with some back talk, the kind that even Nagatoro wouldn’t stoop to. But then, they appear to be chummy with him later on, adding some awkwardness around what he and Nagatoro really are to one another. However, the one known as Machida is not in the mood to clown around. Instead, she takes the initiative to make a wild bet with the former Paisen, one that even makes Nagatoro freaking out!
As for the second, it’s something that looks to hold Nagatoro back once more. During a practice match with Orihara, she realizes that a goal in judo isn’t clear in her mind. It’s what makes her a different fighter than her teammate, and could very well cost her a victory at the tournament. Even with Hachioji’s support, without a goal that doesn’t involve a love confession, Nagatoro might be in a bit of trouble.
But that’s the beauty of Don’t Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro. Not only have we come to see Hachioji overcome some of his fear and anxieties, we’ve come to see Nagatoro have her own share of them too. Thankfully, both of these characters have grown in such strong ways, meaning that any hurdle they face could be conquered if they work together on it. Hopefully by the end of the next volume, these troubles will find a way to sort themselves out.