MANGA REVIEW | "The Elusive Samurai" - Volume Eleven
Since the beginning of The Elusive Samurai, Hojo Tokiyuki has had one goal: reclaim Kamakura. It’s been a long and wild road, as fighters noble and nobleless joined his crew of Elusive Warriors. On top of that, an army of ten of thousands have come to offer their support to Hojo, with their aim to bring the boy back to his rightful place. That time has arrived, in the eleventh volume of The Elusive Samurai.
However, there are quite a few roadblocks on Hojo’s path home. The first is Imagawa, the horse-masked warrior whom he’s in the midst of a wild race. What occurs here isn’t for the faint of heart, as a flashback to Imagawa’s past shows how he’s slipped into some sort of madness. Yes, he loves his horses, but perhaps there’s another way to show that love outside of, erm, sucking on their brains? No matter, as the race ends in a foray of bloody limbs and a joyful youth grabbing the checkered flag.
It’s a prelude to the big battle that’s about to occur, but first, The Elusive Samurai and its heroes need a night of partying. Tensions may be high, especially with Tadayoshii’s massive army waiting near the wings. But no matter what happens next though, Hojo has earned what he’s been gathering for this big fight. Even as more pieces on the board belonging to Tadayoshii and the Imperial Court itself are moving, destiny is calling into the winds of battle.
Even before they draw swords, a battle occurs between Hojo and Tadayoshii. For the first time since the first volume, Hojo is treated as a child. And to be fair, he’s eleven, so he obviously should be treated as one. But this is a kid who has grown into the fighter that he is now, and the words that Tadayoshii attempts to sway to Hojo will not damper his spirits. With that, the true battle begins.
What happens next in The Elusive Samurai is hard not to spoil. A plethora of military strategies, betrayals, and deaths occur on that battlefield. And yet, there’s one thing that one would never expect to find in the Hells of war: the feeling of fun. Yes, despite everything that’s happening around Hojo and his Elusive Warriors, there’s a sense of joy that rings through every part of our hero’s body. And it’s that element that’s key not just to Hojo’s strategy, but also for an unexpected addition to his army.
And at that very moment, the finish line is in sight. Volume Eleven of The Elusive Samurai ends with the highest of notes. But even then, we know the story is far from over. There’s still Emperor Go-Daigo to deal with, as well as whoever else serves under his wing. But for now, those worries can wait. Hojo deserves his victory lap now.
Promotional consideration provided by Chantelle Sturt of VIZ Media.