PAX EAST 2022 | "Justice Sucks"
If you ever wondered what would happen if Solid Snake reincarnated into a Roomba, then TinyBuild has just the game for you! Justice Sucks, the latest game from Samurai Punk (The American Dream VR) takes a cute premise, and then has Peter Jackson circa 1992 take the helm. At PAX East, the first level was made available to demo, which gives gamers a good taste of what to expect from the overall narrative.
Controlling the adorable Dusty, players will have to take on various thieves looking to score loot in your humble abode. Using its sucking techniques, Dusty can pick up items big and small to use at its disposal. When the enemy gets close, Dusty can then use its arsenal to take out the thieves. Knock them out completely, and Dusty can suck them up, in a visual tour de force that’s both funny and incredibly bloody!
The first level of Justice Sucks has you roaming through your average home. Arriving in waves, the thieves come in small numbers, which is enough for its intro level. But even when the numbers are low, the threats are surprisingly high. If one isn’t careful, Dusty will find himself pummeled into scrap, thereby abruptly ending your run. Thankfully, Dusty has some skills up its sleeve.
Outside of the throwing tactics, Dusty can dash away from enemy attacks, as well as use various power-ups to great effect. One attack had a muscle-bound Roomba pop up, and lay waste to anyone in its direction. The result is a wacky display of bloody cartoon violence, one that fits the old-school TinyBuild bill wonderfully. However, the battle isn’t over when the thieves stop coming; there’s your family you have to deal with too.
Each level ends with Dusty’s need to clean every spot off of its floor. If you strategize and keep the carnage to a single room, then it won’t be much of a problem to deal with. Take the mayhem all over the place, and you might be in a lot of trouble when your owners see all the blood and body parts splattered across the abode. It’s an added little bonus to the zaniness, one that shows that tidiness is just as important as being protective of one’s stomping grounds.
Thus far, Justice Sucks is shaping to be a fun and gory good time. As the game goes on, players can expects loads of 90s references once Dusty gets zapped into the family TV. New skills such as firing guns and hacking electronics will also be at one’s disposal, which will aid in keeping things mean and clean. Justice Sucks does not have a release date yet, but one can possibly expect its vacuum powers to invade PC and consoles later in the year.