Wii U's "Ninja Gaiden" Has Upper, Rusty "Edge"
Earlier this year Tecmo Koei and Team Ninja released Ninja Gaiden 3, which was supposed to bring Ryu Hayabusa back to his roots. Instead we were given a game that was riddled with weak AI, and a few "pivotal" moments early that went in a direction that many considered to be anti-characteristic of Hayabusa's code of ethics. (The part in Level 1 where Ryu cuts down a soldier pleading for his life was the lowest point in Ninja Gaiden's history.)
Fortunately Team Ninja has responded to our sour feelings in the best ways possible: by taking out the offending elements and replacing them with moments that made Ninja Gaiden what it was in the Wii U version. Does that mean Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge is a better experience? Yes. Does it mean the game is now on par with its predecessors? Not quite.
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