Pax East Shenanigans III: Revenge of the Gamer
The final day of PAX East has come upon us.
King Baby Duck: We started off the day by recording the big ESH/B3 combo show (which will be up on iTunes and here on Tuesday), which went later than expected. As soon as we finished recording we headed over to Hudson Entertainment and did some video shooting with Morgan and Mike at the booth. They were quite a fun group of people, and I especially liked what I saw with Calling for Wii and Rooms: The Main Building for Wii & DS.
We then bummed around the game floor, and checked out the Alienware booth to try out how they handled Assassin's Creed 2 and Bioshock 2 on their products. I was immensely impressed with the power of Alienware's smaller computers with a big game like Assassin's Creed on there. Afterwards we walked around and caught up with some of the indie games, including Shank and Gravitronix. After grabbing some lunch we headed to the Press Room and did some editing until our interview with TopWare Interactive.
Blueonic: We got us some good food at the Cheesecake Factory had, so with that we pick up where we left off with TopWare Interactive and their game Two Worlds II. Now don't get me wrong I'm not as much of Role Play gamer, but with dealing with the sit-in and conversation with the two guys Joey Kobylinski and Jake Digennaro was awesome. Jake is a P.R. Director, who did the presentation of the game; and Joey is P.R. and Community Associate, who was the man at the controller for TopWare Interactive. All I can say is HOLY SHIT!!! The game graphics were beautiful for the state that they were in because it's not completely finished. Yet they were able to show us the details and hard work that their company was able to put in to this game. Talking with these guys was like talking with your best friend.
This is a game that is going in the right direction for RPGs, because they had it so you could read the tons of text that they have on the in-game, or if you really just wanted to keep going without really getting to caught up in the story and just have fun or either kicking ass and taking names. For the presentation they were able to show lighting effects that were amazing. When the character held a torch, you had great control of the camera so you could see from the side he was holding the torch and how the shadow was perfectly casted upon the wall. The setup that was seen for walking through the grass fields really looked like how it is when someone goes through grass in real life. The fighting was fantastic, but until I get some photos and other such things I can't really showcase what I saw. So I look forward to getting my hands on this game and doing a review, because they said that they will have tons of hours of gameplay. It's the way it should be, and I wouldn't think this would be a time vampire game. It was fun from what I saw, and Jake & Joey were great guys. I hope to keep in contact with them and see them later down the road.
After the interview we found ourselves walking around trying to find something to do before our next interview (which we had around 20 to 30 minutes to do so). The lines were still absolutely insane, and trying to get in and try a game was definitely a waiting game that we didn't want to play. So we ran around trying to find places to talk to about getting ourselves out upon the masses. We stopped in at Patriot Memory, where they displayed thumb drives, RAM (Random Access Memory: for Desktop and Laptops), and -- the fucking awesome step up in technology -- the Solid State Drives. Now if your wondering what the hell a Solid Slate Drive is, it deals with the same thing as RAM if you're used to the spin disk of hell that is on the regular hard drives. This has the great step up of no moving parts, and it deals with chip sets and not a spinning disk that if I get hit or bumped around just wrong (in the right way) all data can be shattered. This way they have a chip-set able to stay cool. This amazed me with dealing with electronics. Back in high school building circuits I burnt myself countless times by the chips just because they would get so much heat with the power going through it. With this I was able to see that these Solid Slate Drives are hopefully going to be a wave of the future, but the price is expensive right now (just like how everything is when it comes out). You'll find that, for the most part, these Solid State Drives are going to become more popular as time goes on.
Last but not least, the kick-ass game of Skate 3, which we met up with one of the coolest guy I have ever met (and I believe King Baby Duck can agree): the one the only Chris "Cuz" Perry. "Cuz" is the Producer of Skate 3, who lives life one day at a time and enjoys it to the fullest everyday. You can hear the interview we did by going to here. Dealing with the awesome setup they had at PAX East, it was incredible to see the line that kept forming. The coolest thing, too, was the line was to try beat the crap out of the character the best they can, and if they scored over 70,000 points they would obtain a skateboard deck exclusively from Skate 3. Yes, it's a fully capable skateboard, but who would want to ruin such beauty when you could just put it upon the wall so people can be jealous when they walk into your room. The game has some serious promise, and it looks just amazing with its graphics. It gives you the challenge of playing a skateboard game that the gaming community needs. Look forward to the demo that's coming out in the middle of April, along with the release on May 11th. We hope we can get our hands on the game before the release date and review the hell out of it so everyone can know how the game is.
All righty then, this is Blueonic signing off from the third day of PAX East, and let's just put it this way: I just got out of the media trenches just to fall back into the damn college/work trenches all over again. However once May comes along I will be free from the stranglehold and tyranny that college had upon me for so long. I will be glad to put a ton more effort into games, electronics and everything else we have worked so hard on for our show. So everyone: keep kicking ass and taking names.