HomeComics/MangaMANGA REVIEW | "Hero Without a Class: Who Even Needs Skills?!" - Vol. 1

MANGA REVIEW | "Hero Without a Class: Who Even Needs Skills?!" - Vol. 1

MANGA REVIEW | "Hero Without a Class: Who Even Needs Skills?!" - Vol. 1

Those who can multiple skills is known as a Jack of All Trades. But because they focus on so much, they often add another part to that title: Master of None. There are times when one can become a pro at many different skills, but they’re often one-in-a-million. Enter Arel, the protagonist of Hero Without a Class: Who Even Needs Skills?! He’s able to master quite the long list of techniques, but for reasons that put him in an interesting position.

Every year, those who turn ten are bestowed a class through a blessing ceremony. With his parents being an archmage and sword princess, his chances of getting a high standing is very good. Alas, his ceremony reveals nary a title to his name, a seemingly big slap in the face from the higher power. Thankfully, Arel’s not the kind of guy who takes bad news and let it bother him. It just means that he’s got to train harder to earn the proper respect.

With his mother a sword princess, Arel takes the time to practice with his sword skills. And thanks to her, he gets really good, to the point where he can defeat the child of the village security chief. After years of training, the time to join a guild arrives for Arel, as he sets off for the city of Bresgia. There, Arel is met with much prejudice due to his lack of class. Fortunately, he find a place to call his own, along with a very familiar face.

There’s a bit of familiarity to the narrative of Hero Without a Class, especially with our main character lacking any true skill. It brings to mind the beginning of Black Clover, albeit with a protagonist that isn’t a screaming little bitch. Arel takes things in stride, simply grabbing his sword and trying to do his best to become stronger. His determination becomes so strong, that he’s able to master skills that only those with a high class should be able to learn.

The narrative really gets going when the time jump occurs, with Arel arriving in Bresgia. Introducing Lilia to the fold amplifies the comedy of the series, with her actions and ways with words bringing some solid laughs. Having Reiner enter the fold also adds something fun to the mix, as it becomes apparent that she’s the same kid Arel used to constantly duel with. And despite her getting better with her swordsmanship, Arel is always one step ahead with his skills.

Those skills are captured surprisingly well by manga author Nanae Akio. Adapting the original light novels by Kuzu Shichio and Ueda Yumehito, the manga version showcases the power and skills of Arel and the rest of the cast. It takes a more comedic route with the combat scenes, as Arel wipes out one seemingly strong guy after another. However, it goes to show just how much these other fighters underestimate Arel’s skills, which are good enough to take out even a hobgoblin!

Volume One of Hero Without a Class: Who Even Needs Skills?! does a fine job setting up the main narrative. The characters introduced thus far seem fun, as they deliver the right amount of seriousness and humor to the story. It may not look like much now, but the Dragon Fang guild seems to be on the road towards an adventure worthy of the record books. With an anime adaptation coming its way soon, now would be the time to sign up for this fantasy adventure. Just make sure what you’re signing isn’t a marriage certificate…


Promotional consideration provided by Robert McGuire of One Peace Books. In stores September 17th!

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The J-POP king of America, Evan has been bringing the hottest sounds of the Land of the Rising Sun to the English-speaking public since his college radio days. He's also an expert in the gaming, anime, & manga realms, never afraid to get critical when the times call for it. Born & bred in Boston, he achieved his biggest dream yet by making the big move to Tokyo, Japan in Summer 2023! For personal inquiries, contact Evan at evan@b3crew.com. For press/band inquiries, write to us at thebastards@bostonbastardbrigade.com. (Drawing by AFLM of Wicked Anime)