MANGA REVIEW | "I Wanna Do Bad Things With You" - Volume One
Sometimes it’s fun to root for the villain in a story. No matter how many times they get defeated by the heroes, they still pick themselves up and try to conquer the world again. That’s why Mamori Wataya looks up to those baddies, as they have the confidence that she lacks in life. But all that’s about to change when Soshi Fuji enters her life, and allows her to finally find the person she can say those magic words to: I Wanna Do Bad Things With You.
The debut series from newcomer Yutaka, I Wanna Do Bad Things With You is a tale of standing out in a world that forces you into the shadows. For Mamori, it’s lacking the courage to speak her mind that forces her to be pushed around by her classmates. She finds common ground with Soshi, whose younger brother Koichi is the class president and resident hottie of the campus. Together, they form a duo that aims to make Koichi’s life a lot more tougher, to make up for the times Soshi was pushed into the darkness.
At first, it would seem like Soshi is doing this all out of spite. But then, readers learn more about his background, and why he does what he does. Illnesses that kept him pushed back in school, a father who had an affair so he could have a healthy heir, and the practically perfect way Koichi lives his life are enough to make anyone sympathize with Soshi’s plans. Thankfully, he’s got a good partner in Mamori, who lends a hand in his schemes to make them just a bit more successful.
Where the two truly become partners-in-crime is when a class president debate occurs. With Soshi and Mamori stealing Koichi’s speech and giving it to their opponent, the two feel like their “evil” deed is in the bag. But when the younger brother comes out on top again, with his goons tailing the bad-doers, Mamori uses her height and Soshi his spontaneity to come out…well, not on top, since they still get caught. But they’re still proud of their actions nonetheless, which makes Mamori and Soshi a duo worth rooting for!
Of course, with it being a rom-com, I Wanna Do Bad Things With You already hints of feelings Mamori has for Soshi. And they come in full force when they have a practice date for an upcoming prank against Koichi. It’s your usual trip to the zoo, but it’s filled with fun moments and sweet heart-to-hearts between the two students. Soshi even goes up to bat for Mamori to prove her worth, in a way that’s both fierce and genuine.
When it goes for the heart, Yutaka keeps the world and its characters beautiful. Despite her being a pushover, Mamori always looks gorgeous, even if her classmates try to cast her aside. But when the series wants to go for the funny bone, it manages to look silly without subjecting the visuals to the usual deformed style these series tend to do. It’s a nice breath of fresh air, as it shows the author’s desire to have her story in a more grounded world.
I Wanna Do Bad Things With You has a lot of charm, and its characters are a delight. However, with how the first volume ends, it appears we’re only cracking the surface over what kind of person Koichi is. Thankfully, we know enough about Soshi to know that any action taken against Mamori will be grounds for severe punishment. Seeing what these two have already been capable of, I look forward to seeing what sort of chaos I Wanna Do Bad Things With You will conjure up for our villainous leads!
Promotional consideration provided by Chantelle Sturt of VIZ Media.