HomeComics/MangaMANGA REVIEW | "Record of Ragnarok" - Volume Eight

MANGA REVIEW | "Record of Ragnarok" - Volume Eight

MANGA REVIEW | "Record of Ragnarok" - Volume Eight

You would think that in a battle between humans and gods, the deities would triumph every single time. Yet in Record of Ragnarok, every human victory comes off as believable. With Jack the Ripper defeating the mighty Heracles, it’s now anyone’s ball game in this fight for human existence. But before the next fight occurs in Volume Eight, there’s some reflection that some of our characters must do.

Sadness runs through the mind and body of Jack the Ripper, as he finally found a foe worthy of standing toe-to-toe with him. The people on the side of humanity are shockingly disgusted by Jack’s victory, even though he was fighting for their side. Within the waiting room of the gods, a feeling of disbelief roams through participants past and present. Even Hilde shows some emotions that no one would expect her to display, with her cold exterior breaking apart for her fallen friend Heracles.

But there is no time to cry, as Record of Ragnarok moves onto the next fight: Shiva the Destroyer Vs Raiden Tameemon. With Shiva’s four arms, it would appear that the god would have a couple of extra upper hands in this battle. However, he is facing the greatest sumo wrestler in the history of humankind, with Raiden’s backstory too shocking for words. If you thought deadly muscles was something you’d only see in Fist of the North Star, then you’ve got another thing coming!

Even before the battle, it would seem like Raiden would come out on top. On top of him being a great wrestler, he’s also a phenomenal lover, with Hilde coming into his room and eying every woman who has laid with him. It’s a good thing that the Valkyrie partnered him up with Thrúd, whose physique practically matches Raiden’s bicep-to-bicep. While we don’t see how the match ends in this volume, the look on Shiva’s face when Raiden shows his true strength leads one to wonder how deep in shit the Hindu god is.

Meanwhile, a moment of tension grows between Buddha and the rest of the gods. Chants of traitor ring through the air, as the man of Enlightenment is cornered by many of his peers. Considering that — like Heracles — Buddha was a human first, it can be understandable that he may switch dies to fight for humanity. But a chance to properly answer does not arrive, as a familiar face and two newcomers come marching down to help Buddha. Needless to say, it may look like one combatant won’t survive long enough to actually make it to the match.

We only get a sprinkling of Shiva vs Raiden in the eighth volume of Record of Ragnarok. With that being said, it’s enough to get any reader excited. On top of that, the aftermath of Jack the Ripper’s victory gave us plenty to see just how humanity can treat a man whose disgusting past lead to a victory for Earth’s future. There may have been some mixed messages from human and god alike, but Record of Ragnarok keeps the tension flowing like the thickest gravy around!


Promotional consideration provided by Chantelle Sturt of VIZ Media.

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The J-POP king of America, Evan has been bringing the hottest sounds of the Land of the Rising Sun to the English-speaking public since his college radio days. He's also an expert in the gaming, anime, & manga realms, never afraid to get critical when the times call for it. Born & bred in Boston, he achieved his biggest dream yet by making the big move to Tokyo, Japan in Summer 2023! For personal inquiries, contact Evan at evan@b3crew.com. For press/band inquiries, write to us at thebastards@bostonbastardbrigade.com. (Drawing by AFLM of Wicked Anime)