MANGA REVIEW | "Love’s In Sight!" - Volume Two
It’s been a very long time since I’ve read a rom-com manga as original and refreshing as Love’s In Sight! Volume One showcased a great deal of care when it came to Yukiko’s disability, while also delivering great laughs and sweetness via her newfound boyfriend Mori. But I wasn’t expected to be hit with a whirlwind of emotions and matter-of-factoids in its second volume, which expands the world of this manga. Dare I say, Love’s In Sight! might just become my new favorite rom-com manga.
Two side characters take the spotlight for the majority of this volume. The first is Hachiko, who has been by Mori’s side for four years. She’s jealous of Yukiko, who thinks that she’s using her blindness in a way to pity those around her. Thankfully, the two women have a solid heart-to-heart chat in a cafe, where everything is laid out on the table. Here, we see why Hachiko has stuck by Mori for a long time, on top of showcase a level of feelings that the former Black Panther probably had no idea existed.
What I love about this discussion is that neither Hachiko or Yukiko hold anything back when it comes to their viewpoints. Hachiko gets off her chest the jealousy she has over disabled folks, as “normies” aren’t allowed to have faults in society’s eyes. But Yukiko reminds her that this “pity” doesn’t outweigh the struggles she has to get through day-to-day life. Without her cane and other sight-assisting gadgets, she couldn’t even step out the front door of her own home, let alone take public transportation or simply hang with friends.
Hachiko’s past is also revealed in this volume of Love’s In Sight!, with her child-acting days resulting in her getting constantly bullied by her classmates. It’s only thanks to Mori and his headphones where she finds a way to block out the negativity in her life, and was a key factor in her falling in love with the former Black Panther. At the same time, Yukiko reminds Hachiko that she has her own ways of staying strong, even without Mori’s help. It’s a moment that helps Hachiko not just break out of her shell more, but also become friends with Yukiko.
But Hachiko’s not the only character whose past is on display. Shishio, Mori’s former rival and now video rental store boss, is revealed to have his own feelings for the Black Panther. You read how and why Shishio gave Mori that facial scar, on top of the internal conflicts that he was dealing with. As a gay man, he doesn’t have the luxury of having his love automatically accepted by society, and coming out to his parents is not at all easy to say or do.
However, via his interactions and “fights” with Mori (yes, there’s a reason for the quotation marks there), Shishio realized what he had to do to be the person that he is today. Even then, he’s got conflicting feelings. He wants to support Mori and his love for Yukiko, but he knows that doing that could break his heart in the long run. It also doesn’t help that Mori sees him more like a father figure than a love interest, on top of him being more-than-likely straight.
When it comes time for Mori and Yukiko to take center stage again, that’s when Love’s In Sight! shows its greatest strengths. After overhearing Yukiko say she loves him, Mori starts to inadvertently avoid her, even going so far as to ghost his girlfriend. Naturally, that ticks off Yukiko enough to make an unannounced visit to his house. Alas, that plan backfires in the worst way possible, especially for someone with a sight disability.
Once Mori finds the courage to see Yukiko, readers will be reminded why these two are such an endearing couple. They get into a little argument, but it reverts back to the sweetness that made the premiere volume such a great read. Although Mori is in love with Yukiko, he still struggles with understanding both her feelings and struggles. But as the two of them spend more time together, that understanding will help to nurture their relationship.
Volume Two of Love’s In Sight! is a roller coaster of emotions. It’s funny, heartfelt, and knows when to throw in a literal and metaphorical gut punch. Uoyama has a great knack for telling great stories and filling them with memorable characters. If the quality of Love’s In Sight! keeps on going the way it is, then it could easily become a pedestal for all future rom-coms to aspire to reach. Here’s hoping an anime adaptation is green-lit sooner rather than later.
Promotional consideration provided by Chantelle Sturt of VIZ Media.