HomeMusicShameless Tuesdays: Livre 102 | The Speed of Sound

Shameless Tuesdays: Livre 102 | The Speed of Sound

Shameless Tuesdays: Livre 102 | The Speed of Sound

The Speed of Sound may come at you at the blink of an eye, but what's left behind will resonate long after. Guitars echo with every pluck & riff, and the vocals -- provided by Ann-Marie Crowley and Jon Armstrong -- leave waves that flow through the air. Despite its futuristic title, their latest song "Virtual Reality 123" sticks to the vibes of the Flower Power era. (To be fair, those years had some experience fantastical realities via hallucinogenics, so it's sorta similar?) Nevertheless, the melody that's created here is one worth flying through on a terrific high, and to add on to the experience is The Speed of Sound's Shameless Tuesdays contribution!

Here what The Speed of Sound's Jon Armstrong has to say about this week's playlist:

The theme here is musical connections and then part of the vast array of influences at play in The Speed Of Sound’s sonic armoury… so; setting off we have guest vocalists (one from each continent on the planet - Sam Fisher of New Zealand isn’t on Spotify) singing along on "Last Orders" from our Museum Of Tomorrow album. Robby Allen (Kite Collectors), Touanda, Courtney Visser, Dolph Chaney (Big Stir Records label mate) and Chris Jack (The Routes) are all represented here. Jason Edge of The Electric Stars has sung guest vocals live with us a few times (and Jonny French - the Stars’ drummer - sat in with us for a couple of gigs), while Turner isn’t on Spotify separately she is with DC Turner, Little Sparrow also did a live guest spot with us.

Label mate Nick Frater’s I Remain Convinced features some backwards guitar from me and Weimar is the ‘other band’ I play in. From there on down we’re into influences which are wide and varied and only scratch the surface really, some ‘unusual’ choices perhaps, but next time your getting ready for a night out try doing it to Korngold and you will be guaranteed to leave the house in a totally pumped up state. Enjoy! And you could try my radio show - Tuning Up on Mad Wasp Radio too.

For more information on The Speed of Sound, visit their official website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Check out their "Virtual Reality 123"/"Charlotte" single below via Big Stir Records's Bandcamp!

Promotional consideration provided by Shameless Promotion PR.

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The J-POP king of America, Evan has been bringing the hottest sounds of the Land of the Rising Sun to the English-speaking public since his college radio days. He's also an expert in the gaming, anime, & manga realms, never afraid to get critical when the times call for it. Born & bred in Boston, he achieved his biggest dream yet by making the big move to Tokyo, Japan in Summer 2023! For personal inquiries, contact Evan at evan@b3crew.com. For press/band inquiries, write to us at thebastards@bostonbastardbrigade.com. (Drawing by AFLM of Wicked Anime)